et:qw first impressions

share yours with mine:

i think this game sucks cock!!
I killed somebody before I got killed the first time, that's a success. A robot killed me then, says alot... (remove vehicles!)

Will try to get in the game now :>
giant mech is gay
:///////////////////// Can't even play it because all the servers are "full"
where did u dl it ? :s
my cfg. is fucked up i think :S all walls white =(
they werent before i puted meez.cfg on
high fps config?
i see all white if i use your config
try to set up less gamma or brightness
Sucks IMO, I'd play BF instead ;=)
that´s my first impression

image: schlurp
give a key to me, then I'm gonna support your opinion.
First impressions as in i've had the game long enough to play one round so really i have no clue what it's like?
Shit game:

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