first impressions, ET:QW

after pwning Germany hazer, Germany tali, Italy bliz and Spain marte on a public... i thought id let you know what i think...

my first impressions = uber slow, and the terrible fps doesnt help either, cant track for shit - especially when you got a guy on a jetback flying around your head in circles laughing at you whilst you try to track him and eventually run out of ammo for him to just pwn you :( the vehicles ruin it, cant count how many times ive either been blasted to bits by a tank or ran over by a fucking car.. so annoying... now the "strafing" element is still there, if you can call it that... but it seems more people are jumping like quake and still owning your ass whilst youre strafing a full speed... not to mention the hitboxes, how fucked are they? i mean it took moose a full clip to own someone who was afk and standing still... thats pretty laughable... the objectves for the maps are so unclear and the teams are so unfair... for example, the "axis" (or stroggs) have a better main weapon (dont need to reload it), however it takes 4-5 seconds to revive a teammate, whereas on the "allies" its an insta-revive...

anyway, rant over... it looks like a decent game i guess, nothing a few patches and mods cant fix... has potential imo
Can't u just add it to the existing journals?
more lotto plz
its still Beta version stop whining
Quoteit looks like a decent game i guess, nothing a few patches and mods cant fix... has potential imo

boon -.-
I wish people would stop using that pathetic excuse. They've been developing the game for 4 years. It has worse movement physics and netcode/hit detection than games released 6-7 years ago. I can set my ET graphics to maximum and still have more FPS than ET:QW on minimum graphics - and ET would look better too. Even with the graphics set to something like Wolfenstein 3D the FPS is still terrible. It runs like shit. Some of the gameplay ideas are very poorly thought out.

They should rename the game to Keith Richards Simulator 2007, honestly.
I've played the game... I completely agree with you. (especially that hitting thing - i couldnt hit a shit because all the guys were warping or something like that + i love those 1v1 fights that take 30 seconds to finish)
I only am saying they can change the hitboxes, other as movement.. nope i dont think they start changing it and i have never had any expectations for this game since its almost like Q4 so it must suck big time :X

Sorry everyone whoever likes Q4
my opinion <3
i agree

the hitboxes destroy everything
i stopped already now because its not possible to kill any1
i think it's meant to be a feature ( besides the ultimate speed ) to make infights even more intense!
that must be it!
Your journal reads, I got owned and I didnt like it, not first impressions.
i didnt get owned actually.. ive been constantly getting highest fragger and lightweapons fyi :D
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