I will not trade beta keys. I will not trade beta keys.I will not trade beta keys. I will not trade beta keys.I will not trade beta keys. I will not trade beta keys.I will not trade beta keys. I will not trade beta keys.
go all die with your fucking shit et QW key journals niggaz!!!!
(00:58:42) (@aux`zerender) can create an etwq account for an e-mate, qry me

(00:59:00) (Nalar) an e-mate ?
u want a big list of porn websites? i'll pm u if u reply yes :D
wt is jou msn ofadd mn xfire: jantjesrevenge
no that's what password crackers are for
Uhh... I just gave away 4 keys for free to the people to pm me on IRC....

Be kind and give them for free, they cost you nothing. Cunt.
how about go get raped by your nan?
are you stupid man? just give them away for free...everyone can get one anyway :o
hmm no they can't... Only few people can get them and your last chance is tomorrow then they are going to be closed to all free users...

now whos stupid?
do you think you are special now with your fucking key? don't you understand that everyone can get one? man you suck
your dad sucks

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