qw cfg problems

Hi, i tryed dr3am CFG but i cant find where to make the game fullsized.. its full when i dont use the cfg

r_fullscreen "1"
r_mode "5"

i saw this in the end of the cfg but i cant see where to use it, any suggestions?

// <> Screen Size Board

// 0 = 320x240
// 1 = 400x300
// 2 = 512x384
// 3 = 640x480 <default>
// 4 = 800x600
// 5 = 1024x768
// 6 = 1152x864
// 7 = 1280x1024
// 8 = 1600x1200

its not alt+enter, its some command, thx.
blitzz, you are addicted.
zomg its rook :p
listcvars *window*

that might help you, too lazy to go in game
Got list at config, still cant find what command is it :(
bilitz mate, just go to task manager and select maximise :)
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