ET:QW First impression

Well from the hour or two I've played on this game, I've found it to be very fun, surprisingly. Yer it does need quite a bit of work done to make it more competitive an stuff and needs a bit of work doing on the netplay & fps issue but my personal opinion is that it is lots of fun xD and has got lots of potential. I feel as though the aiming and movement is like ET but think that the vehicles need to fuck off out the game (although the jet packs are fun).

See u at quake wars ;)
see u in hell
Agree :)
The vehicles are ok, i was a bit scared at start but if you know how to hide from them it's not that hard, also it's not that hard to destroy them with engineer or fops.

jetpack should be removed it's really overpowered XD
The aiming system sucks. Can't hit anything. :<<

EDIT: I got some config-stuff, and now my FPS is 125 steady!
So now I can aim :P
send me pls. i guess i'll have low fps with standard cfg
lol, i just keep wondering how anyone can call this game fun at this state. you can shoot any moving or not even moving person directly onto his body and it seems like a roll of a dice decides whether you hit or not. IT SUX ATM
i soooo agreeeeeeee
I started to almost love the game. just remove fucking tanks. I got killed 6 times in a row in the spawn by two tanks :(
Needs riflegrenade as default equipement and not as XP upgrade imo!
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