*RESOLUTION FIX* ( fred,pumu)
24 Jun 2007, 10:02
i worked about 2 hours, i passed every command and deleted the new cfg that the game created, any way, all i had to do is go to my doc->et:qw->base erase etqwbind and etqwconfig put a new file with your cfg but before you play set r_displayfresh 0 worked for me, gl :)
es nervt einfach nur das von 10 journalen 9 über qw sind :@
da sind mir sogar die "wanna buy new mousepad" journals lieber :D
und bin total agree mit dir dieser journales nerven gestern abend bzw heute morgen kame in einer stunde 10 et:qw journals ... und davon 3 von zerender -.-
give me teh adminrights and i gonna delete all the fucking qw shit :DDDDDDDDDDD