QW clans ?

which clans will play quake wars??

i guess lots of good bf clans will swap

what about the ET clans? any top-clans planning to swap?

TLR? evolve? dignitas?
"I guess lots of good bf clans will swap"

THAT says it all about the game.

Bring on RtCW2 and UT3
don't think so
I think alot of BF teams will go for it.

And the first community that gets his hands on the game decides the future.

et guys = no vehicles
bf = vehicles

i hope xfire will host the first big cup when the game is out
evolve.FEAR => evolve.ETQW
need key
think many clans will spaw
gimme zeh key <O(
I know Reasons Battlefield 2 squad are switching to play ETQW. I think it will depend on what is going to happen with the vehicles for the ET guys.
negative-image 've been praccing it since closed beta!
just wait for rtcw2 ;<
ye the vehicles in rtcw2 will be much better..
they better fix the fps shit and the vehicles
"omg tards defend the objective"...nearly lolled.
artificial will prolly go qw
i think theres no clan who has 6 members that can get playable fps ingame :p
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