pc crash;<

so ive got a dell XPS600, worked like damn good without probs for a year now i think.... but when i wanted to game friday night i started my pc... i saw the windows logo with the "loading" thingy.

but then i got a blue screen (of death:O) which said sumfin stupid: UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME.

SO i was getting reallypissed, cause friday was the day i was gonne rebuild hMg/pillars because my exams finally ended;<<<<<< so now i have to get it to a computerfixinghousethingyshop to fix it, which is gonne take week(s);< unless by wonder, u guys know sumfin to fix this:(

i tried like everything.... well cu in a bit i guess;<<

kind regards.. ijsje:xL
Damaged harddisk
Download the bootfloppy software from your harddisk's manufacturer, and boot through floppy. Then choose low-level format and maybe your harddisk is fixed, if it isn't fixed then, you'll have to buy yourself a new harddisk :<.

ps. If you do that lowlevel format, first make a backup (preferrably with a second harddisk if you have one), you can do this with the bootfloppy too...

edit: I was just thinking, it could be your o.s too, try booting your pc with your o.s installation disk, and then do a o.s repair in the o.s console...
uhm, i took my HD to a friend and put it in his PC, it just started normally.. so i formatted it, put Windows XP on it, put it in my PC again, but just was the same old:(

edit: tried with my o.s. installation disk, didnt work
Then you could try doing the following things:

1 check if your RAM sticks connect good with the mainboard (could be that theire a bit loose)

2 check the RAM sticks one by one

3 do a bios reset (just get that bios plug from your mobo, boot your pc, wait a few seconds until it beeps, shut your pc down again, put the plug back in)

4 look if your processor connects good, it can be that cooling paste has come between your mobo and processor
did 1,2,4, ill try 3 now, ty very much m8:)
your welcome :)
uhm this sounds bit retarted.. but im not that farmiliar with pc hardware stuff:$ but how does the plug look like? just talked to rocky, and he tells me i should take the battery out http://totalsem.com/images/discbattery.jpg
that thingy
that would be a last solution
I don't exactly know where your plug is, since it differst from motherboard to motherboard, but if you give me a picture from your motherboard (or give me the mobo type), I'll be able to look it up for you. The battery, you can get that out, but getting the plug out is better, because if you damage the battery your mobo doesn't work anymore (it creates too much static then if you put it back in, which damages the mobo).
is a "Foxconn LS-36" possible?
most times the jumper to reset bios is near the battery, afaik
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