nice admins por vs ger

rofl.. plsss.. nice admins rly. koto said to nxm last 3 games we cant play on that fucking german server.. i was going 999 every 3 mins, 3 guys with 150+ ping.
nice one.. rly..

and fucking germans cant play with 40+ ping. so we couldnt play in other server, now all die. and nice english.

whine on!

if you had win you never made a journal like this.
i didnt mind to loose. germany are a good team. but please... we said to admin like 3 games before and complained about that server sa274274 times
then just go to the server and get on to an other server give ip to germany and fuck the admin+ettv and just go on and play.
do u know the word 'fastpath'? :o)
Do you know the word " Mentally challenged baboon " ? :)
3 words, yes :d
fastpath is a creation of German Telecom... so why should he know? I don't believe there are any other providers in the world who get paid to get rid of a "feature" (interleaving).
ah, i forgot that in por the living standard isnt so much high like in ger
sry 4 that :)
I paused for you, np!
Butchji the fair guy! <3
so nice how the 999 disappeared :D
yes i like to lag on propose and let my team play 5v6. thats my way of playing.
apparently yes
dont be retard. it was not on propose.. i dont go that low.
eu na proxima cpc ia-lhes ao rabinho se fosse tu:O)
so. here is what I purpose... you don't lag on propose anymore
rofl, trying to be funny?
yah.. I was trying to be funny on propose
Poortugal ;<
rofl after ramins disc. there wasn´t any 999 probs so i wonder why...
whine nap xD owend 3on3 ? :O
i remember me with 50 kills and 8000 damage on supply, and u calling me haxor :/ nice 4 am skill :<
4-0 for us ftw :> <3
That's bad, mkay?
whine off
Blaming NxM is the best way, go ahead (I was the admin, you should flame ME, because I need attention :<)
I'm just disappointed, that a nation needs to fake some '999' laggs to win a match, the sportsmanship is gone!
lol even nxm dropped from the server.

now seriously, you reallly have to be biased to think that por players where lagging out on purpose. i especially liked the part where sexyhot lags out on supply, right in front of the doorway @ cranecontrols, making it impossible for his team to pass.

worst match i've seen in a long, long time. admins didn't do their jobs (and it's not the first game in this cup where that has happened), teams just whined away, it's really sad to see what could be a great cup and fun games to watch turning into this mess.

nice admin skills tbh.

This game had everything. Lag, cheats, whine, germans, extreme stupidity, delays and around 10 pauses. Match of the year.
Can we actually vote somewhere for match of the year? Caus this was most definately the winning match!
It's competitive ET at it's best, we don't get any better than this.
you should use bold tags on " extreme stupidity ".
on cheats tbh
thats life man, shit happens
they had tali, you got your chance
war nett gemeint :)))
I blame society.
I blame God!
Well, this was really the most interesting game I've specced in a while...

Again the " ettv is more important than the players itself " part made it all quite controversial, and it really did feel to me that the admin was helping germany 100% of the time. The attitude the germans had, was also obnoxious, it's funny how the people who have the privilige to ping good in central europe act hostile towards other people who don't. The only thing they displayed is how stupid and uneducated they really are, since portugal has great inet speed, only the routing is fucked up for some countries, germany for instance. I'm not talking only about the players, some comments I saw on ettv were more then hillarious.

The part when RamiN just left the server also made me giggle, I don't know the reason why'd he left so I won't talk about it more, but after that moment I really wanted portugal to win.

Anyway, I guess the 3rd generation of " domination wannabe " germans has arrived, world war 3 here we come...
Yes I know you did. You want to know why? Because the level of your stupidity reached so high, that you cannot allow yourself to post a construcive argument, which contains more than 7 letters.

Write rofl next time, suits you more.
LoL @ Aishwarya Rai
well your comment made me laugh, so what else should i ve written.

it wasnt our team who forced portugal to play on a german server. the server was noted down in the topic for ages.
seriously, it isnt your problem if team portugal isnt able to arrange stuff with the admins.
but starting some whine discussion right in front of the game on the server itself is just ridiculous.
team germany would have been one of the last teams to complain about playing on an nl / us server or whatever.
it just wasnt your fault that the communication between portugal and the worldcup admins went wrong.
besides that, its pretty much understandable in my eyes that we werent into playing on some random portuguese server.

of course it was some crappy shit that sexyhot went 999 all the time, i would ve prefered a more intense game too.
but team germany is just not the one to blame for what was going on.

and by the way talkin about attitude.. it was portugal who turned from server discussions right into some childish flame chat, nobody else.

i cant think of any respond to your "3rd generation of " domination wannabe " germans" sentence. its just too dumb to reply.
kMt said sexyhot won't come back so I said to RamiN who wanted to go to sleep he can go we play 5on5.
they tricked you
dont understand what was your fking prob to play in another server.. i went 999 in all important moments, and u know playing with 1 less makes the diference. u saw at gr
I paused for you, np.
He paused only for u!
the game took about 2 hours, he was tired for sure.

Btw, really nice to blame me for being partial!
yep...but the fact you were absent everytime portugal asked you for something, or one of their players had 999, and pausing immediatly after germany was left with 5 players, how can you explain that meight? :D
I was the whole match at the server, was just absent for some IRC-PM's, the fact I didn't replied to Portugal's posts was that they insulted me, pretty useless, or not? :)
Another fact I ignored them was the childish behaviour towards a non-partial admin! Believe what you want, I'm just doing my job as good as possible... The WorldCup should be a nice event from the Head-Admins for the players, but this event is losing it's sportsmanship ;)
ok ETTV more important than players ehhe goodjob admin!

(soz low english) :>
maybe they should have told us earlier and not on the server? and they wanted to play on a portuguese server which is not very common :p u everytime play on a german or nl server

and its funny that right after ramin left sexyhot stoped crashing what makes the reason why he crashed pretty clear
im the bad guy here. going 999, and making my team loose ! :P
butchji pause for u!
The reason he crashed whole supply + goldrush defense was to lure one of your players to hit the sack, so they can win 6o5? Please, you cant really think that....

And as I saw they just wanted to play on another server, not in portugal necessarily. I guess they mentioned portugal because it's equalent to the first server you played on, since germany is your country and you ping best there, as would they in portugal, and you would of had the same ping problems on portugese server as they had on yours.
every game we played so far was done on a gtv server and they are german. the server has been in the topic since ages and they told us on the server where every ettv n stuff was connected already.
we told admin last 3 games we cant play on that server.. all games.
QuoteAnyway, I guess the 3rd generation of " domination wannabe " germans has arrived, world war 3 here we come...

wow, i really thought u were more intelligent. especially if ur country was dealing with the srpska demokratska stranka you shouldnt really talk about another war - my uncle lost an arm during the croatian war, you as croatian should know better than writing such a retarded comment.
many innocent people had to die in the worldwars and aswell in the serbian wars. i doubt anyone posting on crossfire is in the position to judge other countries because of their history.

eventhough im german, ive gotta agree with most of the comments here: a match with such an importance shouldnt be played on a server which clearly redounds to only one teams advantage.
another ridiculous circumstantiality is that one admin was actually german - impressive organization.

still, played vs a portugese team a week ago on a gtv server aswell - they didnt seem to have any ping problems at all on that server after the admin told them the server would be forced, so i kinda understand team germanys conspiracy theory here. :-)
That world war part was a joke, maybe a stupid one but hey...... i'm not perfect.
And believe me, the war in Croatia had it's negative effects on my familly aswell, so the last thing I would do is joke about it.
flame on CF won't change the result imo
better team won:D besides the cheater team lost:D
Hey, it's about Germans and conspiracy, too, so who could really resist?
fucking shit i missed that one ;(
blame WoW!
ye, always the germans :O
stupid germans, omg! die!
germans are better dont you fucking get it? we deserve best.
ololo whos talking about that? next time we play in portuguese server and no whine for germans/other country
he paused for u!
he paused your sense of humour aswell.
hey acozz u are really pissed of. dont be the "german hater". germany ist better than crotia and snoop kicked with evolve u out of the EC. dont be so angry...
You really have to be the utmost retard to write something like that... I won't bring myself down to the level you are on by trying to explain things you should have realised on your own after reading the first post I made in this journal.

My best advice for you is, less internet, more education, eventho I doubt it will have any effect on a case like you...
Okay, but dont be pissed of that german, which pwnt u so hard. Its obviously the reason why u angry of them.
"Yes I know you did. You want to know why? Because the level of your stupidity reached so high, that you cannot allow yourself to post a construcive argument, which contains more than 7 letters.

Write rofl next time, suits you more." and that only because he wrote "laugh" and btw u are writting the biggest shit i ever read "world war 3 here we come...". Plz u peace of shit from croatia want me to tell someting about education? Its ridiculous...
You are free to attend cpc3, where I'll gladly shuve a piece of the shit I posses into your mouth, hopefully it will contain some english vocabulary.
I would really like to meet u at cpc3 and to see how u would shut up and only play because u are a normal bitch which can only hate over the www...
he owned your lovely snoop at cpc2. bohh
02:28:41 (@TLR|Clown) i just found the best comment ive ever seen
02:28:41 (@TLR|Clown) XD
02:28:42 (@TLR|Clown) shmoe on 25/06/07, 01:14:36 PM | Reply
02:28:42 (@TLR|Clown) germans are better dont you fucking get it? we deserve best.

I think you just beat this guy!
your name say everything about u ;)
Get some sense of humour. ;)
shut up bitch
ban both teams please :)
surprise surprise, some arrogant germans... who'd expect that...
butchji : D


p.s time to sleep goodnight all*
it's time for ET to fucking die
if only QW was as good as ET :'(
oh, ok =)
koto the hacker?
Ye , all CB admins are idiots , in charge is ofc the one and only Rhand.
especially because this cup isn't hosted by clanbase
Well , then all admins are idiots.
just to make a few things clear

1st i pm nxm to tell him our map about 1h before the match start and since i had a problem with my irc, i lost all the # i was idling, one of those being the # with the game server.

as i asked nxm the pw for those # i saw the gameserver and complained to about it.

the following log will have the pws edited for obvious reasons.


Query with \` ([email protected]) [QuakeNet]
Common channels: +#skilled-et,@#et-cup
(eC4`koto) nxm... gimme the cup #
(eC4`koto) i lost it somehow :X
(\`) #et-nations.pv *edit*
(\`) #et-nations.ettv *edit*
(eC4`koto) nice thx :)
(\`) whats ur map and lineup?
(eC4`koto) sd2
(eC4`koto) me, iur, kmt, sexyhot, archy and mno
(eC4`koto) whats their map btw?
(\`) gr / supply
(eC4`koto) nxm
(eC4`koto) its that german server again
(eC4`koto) :S
(eC4`koto) we need the dutch
(\`) :l
(\`) the dutch ones are down
(eC4`koto) fuck
(eC4`koto) you know how we cant play this server /:
(eC4`koto) mainly against germans
(eC4`koto) in a german server
(eC4`koto) lol
(\`) we havent got anything else atm
(eC4`koto) can we play in a portuguese server then :X
(eC4`koto) average ping is like 130
(eC4`koto) for us
(eC4`koto) 40 for them :X


this server was known to us for a long time and ever since the match vs Team Finland i said we couln't play there. It lagged us out and we lost packets there so it was totally unplayable. So every other match after Finland was on a server from The Netherlands.

After that conversation we joined server and tried to use our right to switch to a better server showing our high pings... more than 50ms difference is said to be enough for any team to change server.

we even said we could play 1 map there and another in a dif server. I'm not even gonna comment on the fact that we should not play on a server located in the same country as our opponent cause it would be too easy.

So saying we didn't tell beforehand we couldn't play there is a lie and everyone is our witness now... we cannot play on that server machine!! so remember that next time... i think saying the same thing 4 times is enough, isn't it?

and about forcing us to play in those conditions i have only one comment...

seems we're scaring some people... and that makes me smile
then smile and su :|
he is very sad because of the stupid german

image: p9260050

ohh noez. the panda just realized that u are a cheater and went very angry

image: driving_panda
just because your team lost against us there is no need to be sad.

chin up kid, it's just a game
i'm not sad. i can lose in that game =D

im just sad if i have to play cheaters
Why isn't there some server with more equal ping and stability like Norway was forced to play on against Australia?

I can't see why Ger Vs Por should be any different?
If you're able to pay them, plz inform (me) & the GTV-Crew to make them ETTV-ready!
there are plenty of servers :/
If the server has ETTV or not is completely irrelevant. People shouldn't have to get huge disadvantages just for ETTV.

Let's not forget that it's a competition, not some TV-show we are running.
get over it, now die
i always thought that for the bigger part of portugal ping didn't matter .... :D
antilag costs 50$ extra
i need that too can i buy it at netcoders?
You guys are really in the wrong position to whine about anything.
more whine plz

you are ALL noobz
Will it be your "signiture" ? (p/j)
last senteces:The better team won ... so stfu no whine no complains ...
you can´t turn the time back now :P

(Sry 4 my bad english)

one big LOL
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