QW: ingame advertising?

just found some strange points there:

# Will there be in-game advertising?

Yes. Massive is the company supplying the ads and you will notice billboards sprinkled around the map. I've been told that ATVI, id, and SD have to jointly approve all ad art.

# How will that work? Won't the ads detract from the gameplay?

The ad billboards are kind of scattered all over the map and if the art is done right, they should blend into the game environment.


so, did i get it right? "billboards sprinkled around the map" means i see advertising pillars on special points on the map??? or is it like "u killed xxx with tompson - ur frag was kindly sponsored by Coca Cola" or what?!?
lol no, u see some big screens or something at some place of the map with advertisement on it ... (same in War§ow btw ... at wdm5 or wdm6 for example)

like this for example:

hmmm...it rly looks crappy... for games like NfS or FIFA it is "ok" imo cause it is more "realistic" as we can see it on the streets or in the stadium too
but in shooters it looks strange...just another way to earn a couple of $ more...but k
like quake games are realistic... plz...

who cares about those little advertisements... it makes the game only more attractive for sponsors/companys and gives the game a better chance of support imo
he meant it ads made nfs and fifa more realistic. it doesnt really bother me as i didn't like the game but it does seem another point of $ being more important than players
dont misunderstand me: if i say "realistic" i am thinking bout the areas where wars take place. in spite to race tracks or football stadiums u´ll never see battlefield where a tank drives beside a advertising pillar
yeah but we are talking about a "GAME" not about some kinda real "WAR" or something...
Quoteur frag was kindly sponsored by Coca Cola

GDF will be wearing Reebok tracksuits in the final release.
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