qw: graphic card?

Who is playing qw with a low graphic card geforce 4200 ti or lower?

Those still exist? :x
ofcourse they do... and I still get 76 stable fps with it (in ET) :p

I'm playing quakewars with my x1300 (mobility) and I have 30fps outside.
Kit4na is.
I have 4200ti! Always had 125 fps when I played ET. Bit weird imo :P
i asked for et:qw ;/ because if i start et:qw= error, i updated my graphic driver but... nothing:
ERROR: The current video card / driver combination does not support the necessary features: GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_shader
dont believe u that u had constant 125 fps with this card
ET is CPU so np 2 get 125 fps
gimme your cfg!^^
yeah right.
nice, at least its playable now
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