area flooding

the area where i live, typically yorkshire and lincolnshire for you brits, has been under heavy rain since around 10/11 pm yesterday evening... the rain hasnt stopped and has been coming down constantly... my school was closed along with many others due to floods and many houses have gone under by a foot or two... its really quite shocking the affect it has... the worst part of it though, is a man died because of it.. he got his foot caught in a drain and fell, and sadly drown... more can be read here ->

i took some pictures on my phone whilst coming home from my exam, but cant put them on my pc :(

image: _42422400_floodmarket203
image: _43051783_floodinghull203
amazing, tell me more!
probs :[
Been raining almost not-stop all week.

The two nearest villages to me are under about 3 foot of water. Loads of houses flooded - it's insane to see.
that sux so hard, everything is broken and smells :(
I know... the rain was so fucking loud at about 7 this morning when I went to sleep...

Luckily I live in what was a mining village, and it's all on a hill. Don't have problems with floods.

Wakefield however, flooded to fucking hell... people stuck all over the place due to flat ground o.O
:< best of luck to u sheepy boii
I live on a hill in the uk, but i feel for you sheep, water can destroy anything.
in june? :S
it is england after all...
i feel for you :(
i can cooke my cock in israel, its 30-40, hoooot
howd the exam go?
aqua plan
holy shit!
ö_Ö yorkshire on the news at last....
Whats that shop on the top pic? An Offi?
god save Old Trafford and Manchester!
its england..
good luck sheepeh, we dutchies know everything about it :<
40 degrees here, i could only dream about rain atm :P
let's swap :p
Yep its flooding all right
The rain is coming down like a motherfucker here in Wales :<
They never heared of a divers oxygen tank :\
shit happens
thats normal, wimbledon starts today
Manchester is fine tbh.. as long as Leeds dont suffer im fine.. DOWN WITH HULL!
image: cuar01_borat0612

i will be your hero!
wtf, the Hull footballfield looks like a swimmingpool atm i think =D
Put your bathing suit and swim !

Nah but , i'm seriously sorry for you :[ ! btw how do you've got internet ?
hey you! stop the whine on cyvergames!
hey you! stop the rambo medic on cyvergames!
Zagreb, Croatia
95°F (35°C) | 61°F (16°C) Sunny

:E comment :<
Just came out of the fucking rain :P
I'm gonna change clothes now, cya
image: istockphoto_2967939_sexy_girl_in_wet_clothes
nasty brit :O
rofl n1, more pics of her pls?
don't even know who she is... but I bet she doesn't look that hot when she's dry :P
i would appreciate if you could search :(
we never have floods over here in Holland.
I love you spho
blame greenland!
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