need some opinions

Hi guys,

Pumus Driving Skillzzzz:

i got a offer from some serious firm about a job at the weekend and the holidays.

I would work about 4 weeks from my 6 weeks sommer vocation and half of each other vocation and every saturday.
Work times from ca. 7 to 17 o'clock or something like this.

I will get payed 10,41 per hour, = ~ 350-400 Euro per month without vocationwork.
Vocationpayment for christmas is inclusive.

Got to work their for 2 Years, although when i will have my social year in germany for 9 month an got to work 5 days per week. All in all i would get for 2 years 20,000$

What would you do in my situation, take the job and money and lose some part of my holiday and no friday clubbing (got to wake up 6 o'clock then :'( ) and less freetime
or just dont take the job ?

I'm torn and want to hear some thought of YOU!
who the fuck cares ??
germanz plz help @ my journal kthx

ps: work ofc
take and just go out on friday! :o

nP i can work when im drunk
got to drive at this job :O
nP! gone by then if u drink clever!
im gonna work 4 weeks as well so i say WORK FFS
but 2 years every saturday :S
depends, what kinda job is it?
briefträger :P
hmm als ich austragen war gabs ca 2 € std :p habs nachm ersten mal auch sein lassen
naja ich wäre dann bei der post angestellt
das must du mit dir ausmachen kommt drauf an wie deine finanzielle lage aussieht und ob du dich so lange binden möchtest aber generell würde ich sagen wenn die arbeit nicht al zu scheiße ist (straße-strich) machs ;-)
ist halt postbote ^^
aber mein ding ist halt echt das binden, das ist wie beziehungen nur schlimmer :'(
kinda shitty wages :/ fuck it and get a real job
got to study later on, i hope ;)
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