White Texture Fix
25 Jun 2007, 22:34
Make a new config in C:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Beta\base. Execute it and the white texture problem should be gone. If you are still having problems remove the autoexec in C:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Beta\base, as it will keep overwriting the changes you make. Also great for getting some more FPS.
// low quality shaders
seta com_gpuspec 0
seta image_specularPicMip "-4"
// texture details
seta image_diffusePicMip "-4"
seta image_bumpPicMip "-4"
seta image_globalPicMip "-4"
seta image_picMip "-4"
//seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
// if you are going for pure ugly, GL_NEAREST is what you want, but this
// gives better visibility
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
// clamped to -1,1
seta image_lodBias "1"
seta image_anisotropy "1"
// good for a few FPS if you use r_megadrawmethod other than 3
// you'll want to up r_gamma and r_brightness if you use this
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions 1
seta r_shadows 0
// extra brightness
seta r_brightness 1.2
seta r_gamma 1.2
// particle related
seta bse_simple "1"
seta bse_detailLevel "0.5"
seta bse_rateLimit "1"
// detail textures off
seta r_detailTexture "0"
// draw distance of models and vehicles etc, defaults to 1, can lower for perf
//seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
// lower
seta r_shaderQuality "2"
//seta r_shaderQuality "0"
// this stuff is set if you use the lowest spec
seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0.3"
//seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0"
seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-5"
//seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1"
// dither models that are fading in or out of draw distance
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
// skip grass, litter etc.
seta r_skipStuff "1"
// something to do with model LOD
seta r_MD5LodScale "1"
// default
//seta r_MD5LodScale "3.4"
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "-1"
// debris from exploded stuff
seta g_transportDebrisLowCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisMediumCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisHighCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoff "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisLow "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisMedium "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisHigh "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHigh "0"
// faster than others, unaffected by r_skipatmosinteractions, looks about as good
seta r_megaDrawMethod "3"
// better looking lighting, slower
//seta r_megaDrawMethod "0"
// lowest spec sets to 85, high spec 9999
seta r_megaTilesPerSecond "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
//[0, 10] - lower numbers mean less sound unique sounds, less memory usage
// 3 is set if you use lowest spec settings.
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "3"
You can use the same config to remove the grass, particles, etc.
// low quality shaders
seta com_gpuspec 0
seta image_specularPicMip "-4"
// texture details
seta image_diffusePicMip "-4"
seta image_bumpPicMip "-4"
seta image_globalPicMip "-4"
seta image_picMip "-4"
//seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
// if you are going for pure ugly, GL_NEAREST is what you want, but this
// gives better visibility
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
// clamped to -1,1
seta image_lodBias "1"
seta image_anisotropy "1"
// good for a few FPS if you use r_megadrawmethod other than 3
// you'll want to up r_gamma and r_brightness if you use this
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions 1
seta r_shadows 0
// extra brightness
seta r_brightness 1.2
seta r_gamma 1.2
// particle related
seta bse_simple "1"
seta bse_detailLevel "0.5"
seta bse_rateLimit "1"
// detail textures off
seta r_detailTexture "0"
// draw distance of models and vehicles etc, defaults to 1, can lower for perf
//seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
// lower
seta r_shaderQuality "2"
//seta r_shaderQuality "0"
// this stuff is set if you use the lowest spec
seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0.3"
//seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0"
seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-5"
//seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1"
// dither models that are fading in or out of draw distance
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
// skip grass, litter etc.
seta r_skipStuff "1"
// something to do with model LOD
seta r_MD5LodScale "1"
// default
//seta r_MD5LodScale "3.4"
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "-1"
// debris from exploded stuff
seta g_transportDebrisLowCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisMediumCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisHighCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoff "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisLow "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisMedium "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisHigh "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHigh "0"
// faster than others, unaffected by r_skipatmosinteractions, looks about as good
seta r_megaDrawMethod "3"
// better looking lighting, slower
//seta r_megaDrawMethod "0"
// lowest spec sets to 85, high spec 9999
seta r_megaTilesPerSecond "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
//[0, 10] - lower numbers mean less sound unique sounds, less memory usage
// 3 is set if you use lowest spec settings.
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "3"
You can use the same config to remove the grass, particles, etc.
1st btw