White Texture Fix

Make a new config in C:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Beta\base. Execute it and the white texture problem should be gone. If you are still having problems remove the autoexec in C:\Program Files\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars Beta\base, as it will keep overwriting the changes you make. Also great for getting some more FPS.


// low quality shaders
seta com_gpuspec 0
seta image_specularPicMip "-4"
// texture details
seta image_diffusePicMip "-4"
seta image_bumpPicMip "-4"
seta image_globalPicMip "-4"
seta image_picMip "-4"
//seta image_ignoreHighQuality "1"
seta image_ignoreHighQuality "0"
// if you are going for pure ugly, GL_NEAREST is what you want, but this
// gives better visibility
seta image_filter "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
// clamped to -1,1
seta image_lodBias "1"
seta image_anisotropy "1"

// good for a few FPS if you use r_megadrawmethod other than 3
// you'll want to up r_gamma and r_brightness if you use this
seta r_skipAtmosInteractions 1
seta r_shadows 0
// extra brightness
seta r_brightness 1.2
seta r_gamma 1.2

// particle related
seta bse_simple "1"
seta bse_detailLevel "0.5"
seta bse_rateLimit "1"

// detail textures off
seta r_detailTexture "0"
// draw distance of models and vehicles etc, defaults to 1, can lower for perf
//seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
seta r_visDistMult "0.8"
// lower
seta r_shaderQuality "2"
//seta r_shaderQuality "0"
// this stuff is set if you use the lowest spec
seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0.3"
//seta r_shadowPolygonFactor "0"
seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-5"
//seta r_shadowPolygonOffset "-1"
// dither models that are fading in or out of draw distance
seta r_useDitherMask "0"
// skip grass, litter etc.
seta r_skipStuff "1"
// something to do with model LOD
seta r_MD5LodScale "1"
// default
//seta r_MD5LodScale "3.4"
seta r_renderProgramLodDistance "-1"
// debris from exploded stuff
seta g_transportDebrisLowCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisMediumCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisHighCutoff "0"
seta g_transportDebrisExtraHighCutoff "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisLow "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisMedium "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisHigh "0"
seta g_maxTransportDebrisExtraHigh "0"
// faster than others, unaffected by r_skipatmosinteractions, looks about as good
seta r_megaDrawMethod "3"
// better looking lighting, slower
//seta r_megaDrawMethod "0"
// lowest spec sets to 85, high spec 9999
seta r_megaTilesPerSecond "1"
seta r_softParticles "0"
//[0, 10] - lower numbers mean less sound unique sounds, less memory usage
// 3 is set if you use lowest spec settings.
seta s_maxSoundsPerShader "3"

You can use the same config to remove the grass, particles, etc.
so can i add them to dr3am cfg?

1st btw
QuoteDownload a config and put it into the base. DO NOT use autoexec, if you are using the Dream config, rename autoexec and execute it manually. Next quit and go to My documents. Your config will be in the Enemy Territory Quake Wars Public Beta\sdnet\youraccountname\base.
need journalfilter :S
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