UK vs Cro

Acozz > Uk..

wp both teams, gl cro ect :P
hehehehe money

[e] razz screw'd it up
you shouldve played
im too good ment :< lbrs 2moz !! :p
tbh get to lvl 60 and come BF / Underbog!
i will sumtime cba atm
excuse me while i cry myself to sleep in that case :(
Its all about Herlock
thx 4 €€€€€€€€€€€
Congratulations to Croatia. Well played, even though I didn't watch the match.
gg's all
Your bet: 250€ on CRO Won 902.50€
I bet only 150€ :(

Too bad the odds drasticaly changed few mins before the game :[
cuz frozzen have half of al the gboky.
wp acozz
razz - what a talent[ed cheater]
i knew it sol was playing
troo dat troo DAT
gratz croatz
how could a team like uk (syk sol sqzz razz sheep mztik) lose from a team like cro (no offense , i haven't seen the match but i do know that uk has a lot more "known" players)
true but Nation Teams are always nation teams.. uk had a good team on paper but i guess they never played on a level where they could play.. lack of chemistry who knows. Tho, syk,sqzz,razz,mztik played together in 141 ages ago so would think that it would be easy them to play in NC team too. Cant forget these croatians are very skilled, they've played as long as everyone else and afaik in same teams too in the past and they are actually working as a team with right attitude and praccing a more than normal team would pracc.
acozz gmx calisto rimi me are playing ET since 2003, blaze also I think!
I guess it's because the rifle is overpowered in ET and Croatia had an awesome rifle while the UK had none.
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