what to do...

when you need to get up in 3 hours again, but you cannot fall asleep, AND you are tired as hell?

this situation is killing me atm -.-!
read a book
did that the "whole" weekend.

Theoretische Informatik "Kurzgefasst" (1241 Seiten)
sounds eeehm interesting!!
it is indeed, but yeah too much.
ill give my bed a second chance, cross fingers!
nighty nite!
stay up and use coffee and energy drink! and if its school just fake being ill!
abort :d:D:d
wtf at all the fanboys hugging you :< Im so glad ive met you in the real lifes!
do quality tests
grab ur cock ( if u have 1 )
Call other people gay.
If i were you , i would take some pills to get nervs/activity down , take aspirin or smth.

image: 5-aspirin
actually if i know that there are only 3 hours left to sleep i don't go to sleep at all because i'd feel even more sucky 3 hours later :D
thatswhy ure a pimp and im not :(
hi2u al7
you've really quit ET? :o
if my profile says so, it must be true :l
hax, why? real life? another game? just because of teh incomming summer? :P
no the real reason is that i miss ahmed and bruzlah :( ET isnt ET without those 2 guys :(
bruz is still on vacation. afterwards he got like 5 months of pure free time because he's just finished school. dunno, he might come back. at least he said once that he might start again :D

but ET has become sucky anyway.
if he's back,illcome back and we can live happily ever after :D me and bruz will start up a clan and ucan join :p
lollie. yeah, maybe. got my last exam on july teh 5th. i'm working all august and september but still should have enough spare time :D
atm i hope qw will be better after the next patch's release, ET just kept upsetting me all over the last months, so i dunno whether i'll give it another try...
omg please... how can u leave if both me and bruz beg u to play in our clan? :(
if my bro starts playing again i'll start playing again too. nP :D
that means u lied to me about bruz coming back, ure a BIG FAT PHONY :P
lollllllllll! no phony at all!
i just said he _might_ be coming back. he seemed to enjoy real life lately, was out almost every evening he could spare. i can't forbid him to do so, it most likely is a better use of time than playing ET :D

let's see what he's about to do, he'll be back home on wednesday i guess.
i think he can spend one more day on irc, u and me gotta stick together on this, he can be very difficult! ask him to come on #al7 tomorrow and then ill talk some sense into him :P (or better said: e-beat the e-shit out of him)
lolll :DD
ok, i'll tell him :D
let's pwn sum cups then!111 :D
haha okay :P
anyway imgoing to bed :p dont get too excited now, u might miss ur sleep!
lolol, i can't go to sleep now.
got quite an important exam in 15 hours and still got a shitload to learn.
good night m8 :D
haha u stupid cunt:D get ur ass between those books
had that yesterday, still going strong.

Rape the situation is the motto
wank a bit
hot milk & hot milf
smoke weed.

happened to me almost the whole 3rd term :<
don't say u are going to play diablo2 as well

well, I got the same prob, should sleep for some hours..
nop was leaving for university (had to give a lecture at another university thats why i had to get up early :( )
same prob here 8<
watch anime :DDDDD
eiks oo d2 alkanu vieläkää ? :d
alko ööö oliks neljän mais, koko yön pelannu ja en oo käyny vieläkää nukkuu
just don't sleep, it will be better if u will stay awake
count sheep
hey, leave me out of this please...
loL knew u wud say sumin :P
i cant count u anyways :) u got no hitboxes! :p
everyone says that :(
played some 3v3 against u squal iron, squal and iron were pretty hitable, you did it the matrix style i think, at least non of my bullets hit u :(
who owned the most?!
must have been me tbh, squall = sniper only, iron = rifle only
i got u and iron with pistol, so i guess squall is the winner <3
Hannes >\ tought it was anubis at first ='((((((((((((((((((((
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