A few config questions !

Hi :)

Here are the questions !

1) What does 'r_lastValidRenderer' means? Do I have to put my grafic card info's here or something? The config I currently use has this: 'GeForce 6600 GT/PCI/SSE2/3DNOW!' but i'm not quite sure if it's correct for my pc.

2) 'cg_noVoiceText 1' means you don't hear a sound when someone sais something?
3) 'cg_noVoiceChats 1' means you don't hear the sounds of 'excelent' (and others)?

4) 'cg_teamChatsOnly 1' means you only read things what teammembers are saying?

5) What do 'cg_zoomfov' & 'cg_zoomstepsniper' mean? Are 40 and 10 normal numbers for them?

6) 'r_intensity' gives more fps if you put it higher? What is the highest rate?

7) Same questions for 'r_picmip2' + what does it do?

8) I need the command to see my average fps after watching a demo

Thanks in advance, and enjoy the rest of your night !
1) Dno
2)You hear sound when some1 uses voice commands but you cant see the text.
3)You Cant hear voice commands, together whit 2 you cant see and hear them.
4)Yes, Only teamchat.
5)Ask Vanhaomena
6) 1-3? Dno does it give more fps...
7)Same than r_picmip 1-5?, test and you will see.

Sry I aint any pro whit configs..
Thanks for help man, seems like you're pro enough !
Well scripting since 2006 when I started ET...
1) if you use 6600GT, its the right.
2)You hear sound when some1 uses voice commands but you cant see the text.
3)You Cant hear voice commands, together whit 2 you cant see and hear them.
4) Yes.
5) Something with scoped sniper I think
6) Dunno :D
7) 1-3, doesnt change anything noticable.
8) I dont remember..
6) increases brightness 0-1.5,no effect on fps
7) reduces quality of textures
8) timedemo 1
5) cg_zoomfov = quake command, zoomstep sniper defines how much your sniper zooms in/out when doing +zoomin once

6) wont give you more fps, 1.5 is the max value

7) r_picmip2 doesnt exist in ET
Thanks :)

So it doesn't matter what rate i set 'r_picmip2' to?
there CAN be little difference if you have sharp eyes/clear config, but I cant see why there needs to be 2 commands for same thing..
ET = dead

no wait, ET has nice hitboxes and fast gamepalypaly
1) you don't have to set it (it sets itself automatically to the videocard you last started ET with), it dosn't change anything.

and to avoid confusion since alot of diffrent answers here, this should be the final list:

1) you don't have to set it (it sets itself automatically to the videocard you last started ET with), it dosn't change anything.
2)You hear the sound when some1 uses voice commands but you cant see the text.
3)You can't hear voice commands, together with 2 you cant see and hear them.
5) cg_zoomfov = quake command, zoomstep sniper defines how much your sniper zooms in/out when doing +zoomin once*
6) wont give you more fps, 1.5 is the max value
7) r_picmip2 doesnt exist in ET and changes nothing
8) timedemo (demoname)
#cfg.help * no joke * :D
this nub doesn't deserve help :>
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. yes
5. yes
6. care
7. ive got aids
8. np4me
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