ET:QW Keycompetition

Hi again, we gave already 10 ET:QW Keys in the IRC-Question- and Emailcompetition away (bad that there was no real clipentry).

The following were lucky enough to win a beta key:
X-TRA - maxi - Jere - pulZa - David Braun - eiM and William Barfield

xRio - reaz and JyrKz

IRC-People got the key already - others should check their mailbox.

I am sorry for all the other emailwriters who were unlucky this time - but hold on!

We are back with some more keys - thanks goes to Sweden Feel1ng who provided us 10 more keys ;)

That means we got still 6 keys to give away (other 4 were given to emailwriters).
Thus use your second chance and be ready for some more irc-questions,
starting tomorrow (wednesday) @ 19.00 CET in #ET-Cup

xRio - reaz and JyrKz

lololololololol rEAz lucky piece of shit
interesting !
what kind of questions ?
qw related questions
getting sick of these ppl using more PUBLIC keys for some shitty competitions :s
I'm selling my key for lots and lots of money!
my clip was pro! :)

but pls don't publish it X)
They even sell it on ebay :~>
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