arrivederci XyLoS!

Word on the street: Italy XyLoS left evolve-gaming! According to some sources I've consulted (very reliable, from the depths of crossfire) XyLoS is one of the best riflenaders in ET! Did he do good by leaving evolve? Why did he leave them?

Just to wind you ladies up, let's start the flame now!

1) Good step by evolve! XyLoS only whines, retarded player
2) No way, XyLoS best rifle for sure!
3) I couldn't care less, evolve is shit
4) play with more cheaters plz evolve
5) evolve will lose every game from now on, whine more and more, take Switzerland gifty in, and will then lose their team to puberty
6) Adacore rises to be the best riflenader ET was ever graced with.
7) Perfo will return using a guidspoofer and new private hacks
8) raZz will use rivatuner again

Evolve's current lineup:

Germany butchji
Germany .sNoOp!
Malta ToX|c
United Kingdom Adacore
United Kingdom rAZz=]
Netherlands AzA

Make your bets!

all six suck
Actually he quit ET. :o
Quote by Adacore
In addition to these changes, rifle-wonder Xylos is also inactive over the summer period and will be replaced in the active lineup by Evolve backup and ET co-captain Adacore for the duration of his inactivity.

He decided to stop playing ET in this very moment!
what about sqzz? will he be back after summer?
<3 Xylos, he will be back
oLLE` u gonna start play again after summer?
XyLoS ye i want to go to cpc3

I've changed my mind :)
adesso come faro con tox? lui mi faceva giochare perche sei il mio mito :P haha pure italian skills :P
come play wow with us now!!
I want aza's cfg. np.
r_mode 4
cg_fov 90
cg_drawgun 0
r_picmip 3

huoh, he sucks.
tell that to him
I have, many times.
bind MOUSE1 "+attack; +movedown"
h3h3h3h3h3 funny
seta sensitivity 0.001
k, send me teh cfg file ;|
180 degrees on 44 cm
I want ur cfg aswell.
I know, I dont need em. It was a joke.
oh noez. :((
rl and gf >*
wack wars?
Facciamo sesso tutta la note, caro,
think xylos was always overrated, he is only med+ rifle (opencup level)
their new addition adacore has been on the top of the scene for a long time already, he knows all tactics from ettv administrating
and hes donex' friend

adacore > xylos

i would say nr. 1
My sarcasm detector is going of the scale!
5 and 7 for sure ^^
who cares?
bye xylos :-[
5, 7 and 8
can I choose more than just one? :(

4, 7, 8 !
7 - with addition of qyz / n30

(p.s. I totally lost any rips of respect towards you after the n30 -case, perfo.)
he cant read xfire, hes to dumb
please, they are nice on ventrilo.
toxic will start playing rifle and evolve will dominate the et-scene untill the game dies
First 7 then 8 followed by 5.
gifty will jump in for sure :S
7 & 8

for sure!
9) Perforator will return and play as rifle. nP 4 perfo <3
even i am better with rifle than perfo
sure u are.... maybe u didnt saw him playing vs portugal and giving 7.5k of damage defending :D
it was me playing, and guidspoofing him
ok ok ravenelanaar
Why the fuck do you care?
Sweden Allstar tornis will take his spot with his very uber rifle nades

(watch out he know newbje and bulten irl)
kassikotka olet
going by the name rotarofrep, 99% of the ettv viewers wont even see te resemblance
attempting to give a fuck
omg noes!
he was inactive anyway...
XyLoS best rifle for sure! pick that one sad that he stops inactive w/e =(
emm, who are you and why should we care?
toxic has some rifl0r skillz and perfo will come back in 5 month; ada (or another one) will just sub him for the summer, sept & oct.
yo xylos !
Bibuy xylos :D
ill fix my ET np
was nice to meet u xylos, speak to you later!
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