PunkBuster Problem

I wrote same post on forum, i hope that ill get more attention here :S

first of all sorry for my bad english.

Ok well, i downloaded ET:QW and havent played ET for two days, when i tryed to play ET again, its connected to the server and after a few seconds the game stucked and ET.exe error message poped up
i reinstalled ET, updated PB and nothing help
ET not working on pb servers only.
and my friends says that its kicked me for MD5tool
btw, someone told me that its happened to him too after installing ET:QW, he rebooted and it worked well, but its not helping for me.
the error message contain something about IP problems.

I got kicked right after those lines:

WARNING: PB Kick for non-standarted charcter and all PB restrictions on this server
PB server Assigned guid = <Guid Number>
Recived from PB Server {W V1.285 | A1382 C1.523}
0 Currect Cvar Violations

*everyone got them, its normaly*

if u are realy smart then its not one of them :o) :

* Get Right
* DU Super Controler
* Macro Toolsworks
* Girder 3.2
* PRTG Traffic Grapher
* CyberCorder: cybrcrdr.exe
* Paessler Router Traffic Grapher: prtg4.exe
* 3dnasys.exe
* mIRCStats

i downloaded ET from 3 defrent sources and updated PB from PBweb, nothing helped, this is the second post, i hope someone will help me :[

thx, Ram.
hi ramram72
Who is it? ;O
teh santa clause (r4z3)
disable unknown processes
A proggram may block PB, but i dunno what proggram.. all "new" proggrams are shuted off.. i think..
asked before check the journal from kaiz
you cant play ET and ET:QW QW does troubles/problems to et, you must unistall one of them

p.s im not kidding...
i uninstalled ET:QW, reinstalled ET and updated PB, read my post.. any other suggestion?
i can play both after each other so no ideas :O
I remember that ET:QW installation also had some PB proggram install.. maybe the ET:QW PB's settings fucked up ET's? but i removed both games and installed ET again.. ill try to uninstall both, ill use pbsvc.exe for remove the PB and ill install ET hopefully that will work :<

shuted modem off / on

twice or more
its not your modem/connection/pb update, swo leave them alone, did you restart your pc?
twice, and it is pb, ET crushing only on PB servers
you need to tell me the exact message of the kick, not the message that everyones gets after joining pb servers..
and btw its not the pb UPDATE
i got a FPS drop of 1 sec or something and then its crush..
image: etstuck1jl7
image: etstuck2rz8

Edit: quality suck for low file size, sorry
i dono dude, it doesnt seems to be pb's fault at all
but it is, i need someone who will give me a screenshot for what is it kicking exectly, someone told me its md5tool
md5tool is either currotped pk3 file or CFG not allowed cmd, try one of these:
go to ET's folder, click on Unistall folder, click on unistall.exe(or something) then REPAIR
switch cfg and see whats going on...
i've reinstalled the hole ET from 3 other sources, nothing helped
no need for reinstall, just try the repair one
i uninstalled ET from there, but now i dont have repair :o
you clicked on the unistall.exe? there should be :

its the last solution, if not then:
repair - aint helping
i sent a ticket at the morning, no answer and i dont think that ill get one:|
you must get a letter back in 24/7
friend gave me a link for the picture, im still on the srever after the crush, im getting kick after some min, watch:

lol, that is a temporarly problem, probly im sure it will get fixed randomaly
what caused it?
what ban? (hack or..)
how long will it take?
md5tool is random problem that my apear sometimes and will be (maybe...)solved whiting hours.
it can cuase either randomaly
either CFG cmd not allowed
either corruped pk3
I had same problem with et, like also with QW when i enable pb, and guess what i did to fix that ? - format :XD. And now i can play without any problems.

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