ETQW review

Facts about ETQW

ET has nothing to do with ETQW.
Its a great public game.
I'm always driving, jumping, constructing, repairing, placing turrets, go this go there.
The game feels random.
The game has so fucking many buttons.
I really enjoyed all the features the first time.
It gets endlessly boring after 3 days.
I might want to become a pro hogg driver but seriously, would I want to play ETQW if I wanted to be a pro racer?
The aim part is non existent atm. Accuracy is irrelevant. With the current netcode it takes +2 seconds before you actually hit enough bullets to make a kill.

Conclusion: Lets hope the new netcode fixes everything. Atm, the game plays slow. Driving, building turrets using flyer drones and pressing a zillion buttons is cool the first days but it becomes endlessly boring after 5 days.
tbh, it'll become repititive on one map @ public all the time won't it? when new maps are released and bugs (e.g. netcode) are fixed, it should get much better =)
I disagree. I must have played beach and fueldump a thousand times. I would still play beach or fueldump (on a public) any day now. Sewers got boring in half a week. I havent even played covert yet, and tbh I dont care about another class with another zillions features and buttons and constructibles and tanks and flying rockets and after you survived the tank shooting RTCW panzerfaust style rockets at you, you probably going to get killed by some rocketlauncher hitting a vehicle four meters away and killing you with the blast of the vehicle.

This game is way to fucking complicated. Its great for public. Any noob can have his kill, just take the tank or some other random ubercool button pushing weapon. Its great fun, but thats all it is and tbh it became very boring after a while.

I prefer games which look simple but actually have a huge learningskill behind the very simple gameplay rules. Just look at all the good competition games. They are simple in their way to play: simple rules, simple buttons. Still people can keep improving their skillz with those same simple gamerules. This is a great public game, but I have serious doubts about playing this in competition.
well, it's a possibility that the game will play in a completely different way in competition, and that's what matters to most
may sound stupid, but i wouldn't be surprised if subconsciously you didn't enjoy it as much because of things like the spam and shitty hit reg too :D possibility that fixing the hit reg will make persuade people to go smg a bit more
mostly yes
saw screenshots saw ingame vids -> DISMISSED -> played good old ET
QuoteThe game has so fucking many buttons

disagree, same as et
roll on ETQW-Pro
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