Need tj config

Need trickjump config for an et server.

- unlimited energy-bar
- highest levels, for all classes
- Unlimited airstrikes ( had old config but didnt include this)

post here if possible plz.

pm hazz @
Lazio goes tj style =D
unlimited airstrikes is fucking crap tbh, everyime you want to jump some noob is throwing an airstrike again because he's too lowskilled to actually trickjump in a trickjump server
Airstrike AND Grenade
maybe he wants to test some airstrikes on real maps? :>
On TRICKJUMP servers, most maps are TRICKJUMP maps? :P
maybe he is not going to do a public trickjump server? if he just wants some tj cfg to jump with on private server
idd that's the plan
My bad, might be idd ;-)
setl sv_pure 1
setl g_altStopwatchMode 0
setl g_gametype 3
setl g_warmup 20
setl g_doWarmup 1
setl g_voiceChatsAllowed 5
setl g_spectatorInactivity 0
setl g_friendlyFire 0
setl g_landminetimeout 0
setl g_teamForceBalance 0
setl g_filtercams 1
setl g_fastres 0
setl g_gravity 800
setl g_knockback 1000
set g_minGameClients 2
setl g_noTeamSwitching 1
setl g_spectatorInactivity 0
setl g_speed 320
setl g_autofireteams 1
setl g_alliedmaxlives 0
setl g_axismaxlives 0
setl g_maxlives 0
setl g_enforcemaxlives 1
setl g_autofireteams 1
setl team_maxMortars 0
setl team_maxFlamers 0
setl team_maxMg42s 0
setl team_maxPanzers 0
setl team_maxMines 99
setl team_maxRiflegrenades "0"
setl team_maxplayers 0
setl team_nocontrols 0
setl match_timeoutcount 2
setl match_timeoutlength 200
setl match_latejoin 1
setl match_mutespecs 0
setl match_readypercent 40
setl match_warmupDamage ""
setl sv_allowDownload 1
setl sv_minping 0
setl sv_maxping 0
setl sv_cheats 1
set nextmap ""
setl g_allowVote 1
setl vote_limit 5
setl vote_percent 50
setl vote_allow_balancedteams 1
setl vote_allow_antilag 0
setl vote_allow_muting 0
setl vote_allow_swapteams 1
setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
setl vote_allow_timelimit 1
setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 1
setl vote_allow_kick 0
setl vote_allow_map 1
setl vote_allow_matchreset 1
setl vote_allow_mutespecs 0
setl vote_allow_nextmap 0
setl vote_allow_referee 0
setl vote_allow_comp 0
setl vote_allow_gametype 0
setl vote_allow_pub 0
setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
setl vote_allow_cointoss 1
setl b_mapscriptdirectory etpromapscripts
setl b_mapconfigdirectory "configs"
set b_campaignFile scripts/centraleurope.campaign
set g_userTimeLimit "100000"
set g_useralliedrespawntime "1"
set g_useraxisrespawntime "1"
set g_MedicChargeTime "1"
set b_defaultskills "4 4 4 4 4 4 4"
setl b_statsaver 1
setl b_intermissiontime 25
setl b_privatemessages 3
setl b_match_warmupjoin 0
setl b_xpstopwatch 0
setl b_multiview 1
setl b_spectatornames 1
setl b_shove 0
setl b_shove_noz 1
setl b_stickycharge 1
setl b_damagexp 1
setl b_antiwarp 1
setl b_panzerlevelup 1
setl b_headshot 0
setl b_riflegrenades 0
setl b_fallingbugfix 1
setl b_fixedphysics 1
setl b_fixedphysicsfps 125
setl b_pronedelay 0
setl b_banners 0
setl b_customVoiceChat 1
setl b_intreadypercent 100
set b_watermark ""
set b_watermarkFadeAfter 40
set b_watermarkFadeTime 5
set g_log "etserver.log"
set b_cheatlog "liga4fun.log"
setl b_anticheat 1
setl b_cheatkicktime -1

command "pb_sv_enable"
command "pb_sv_kicklen 1"
command "sv_cvarempty"
command "pb_sv_cvarempty"
command "pb_sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_autoAction EQ 7"
command "pb_sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_bobup IN -0.005 0.005"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_thirdperson EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100"
command "pb_sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015"
command "pb_sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_allowextensions EQ 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_ati_fsaa_samples EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_ati_truform_tess EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_drawentities EQ 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_gamma IN 1 3"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_lightmap EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_mapoverbrightbits IN 0 3"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_overbrightbits IN 0 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_showtris EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_shownormals EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_wolffog EQ 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_clamptoedge EQ 1"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_detailtextures EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_colorMipLevels EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar pmove_fixed EQ 0"
command "pb_sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
command "pb_sv_cvar cl_heron IN 0"
Tell us the ip after...!
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