Wicked 6v6 Cup

After I saw a lot of ppl whining about : " Again a 3v3 cup I want a 6v6 cup"
I decided to host a 1day 6o6 cup.

The cup will be @ sunday and start @ 15:00

You can find all the necessairy information here: www.wickedcup.nl.tt

The signups will be open now ! (32 teams)
So you better be quick.
To sign up join #wicked.et and pm wicked{morf with
the following info:
- Teamname:
- server: yes / no
- Irc channel:
- Contact person:
- Lineup: name,name,name,name,name,name

Don't sign in without a complete lineup, because of the many dropouts.
If you have signed up and can't play pm wicked{morf in #wicked.et

-No banned players (clanbase)
-Every player need demo's of himself
-6v6 cb config
-If a draw, decider by cointoss
-Winning team pm results to morf ` @ quakenet // #wicked.et

First round: Supply (15:00)
Second Round: Bremen_b1 (15:45)
Quarter-finals: frostbite (16:30)
semi-finals: sw_goldrush_te (17:15)
Final: radar + ? (18:00)

We still need admins pm me if you are interested!!

#wicked.et || www.wickedcup.nl.tt
jungle is massive
wicked wicked !
nice, i like qw
yes I wan't a 6v6 cup too!
haha thnks didn't saw it EDITED
Werchter > cup
post the mappool here pls ( cointoss)
Edit: Cant find it on the page either
joey if you watch the main page and scroll a little bit down you will see it:)
i meant the cointoss mappool.
special for you :
First round: Supply
Second Round: Bremen_b1
Quarter-finals: frostbite
semi-finals: sw_golrush_te
Final: radar + ?
banned players allowed to play?
Quote-No busted players (clanbase)
so all banned players are allowed to play, cheaters are welcome too :)
not all he just doesn't want the clanbase busted players 2 play or something like that:) and if some1 hacks and you are sure of it just make demo's morf will watch and decide or other admins
Soz mate i mean no banned players from clanbase
Still I'm welcome to this cup :))
Well sign urself in then :P
No team :o) oh well.. sfx I have but it's inactive :/
Krauts wiil play:D
make a 6vs6 QW tournament plz !!
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