Moviemakers wake up!

Since I wanted to get rid of that stupid limited draw distance, which appears with r_wolffog 0, I set r_zfar to 25000 in my movie cfg. Everything worked well, except in Radar I get this shit: Check it out! I know not everyone has this problem and personally I have no idea why is it there and/or how to fix that. I have Geforce 7950GT with 93.71 Forceware, haven't tried with different drivers yet.

Edit: it actually doesn't matter what the exact value of r_zfar is as long as it is large enough to remove the limited draw distance effect.
10 more mins plz
r_zfar 7000 , r_znear 3 , no fog... works for me
Not for me, obviously.
got the same thing, i'f i were you i'd ask here for help
maybe some map maker will know whats the prolem
I think it's because you "see" too far, try decreasing r_zfar, cuz I think, since you can see that far, it also shows what's BEHIND the mountains, being nothing ;-)
Nice movie CFG btw. I don't know u got the setting right of ur vid. card? so try other drivers
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