this is just a tip and U BETTER TAKE IT SERIOUSLY :O))

if u like dance/house/clubmusic u just abslutetely have to download this. those of u who have it already can fuck off =(

u'll have to download ituned for this if u dont have it already but dont worry its worth it...

so ... open itunes and click on istore (or whatever smth with store..) then type search: podcaz -> then from the four main options in the middle choose the welcome to your weekend mix and from the list choose the latest mix. then at the far right click subscribe or whatever it says (it'll just download)
then go to the folder where it got loaded to and double click.. wait a few minutes for the nice but beatless music to pass by and enjoy ur fucking uber nice mix :D

all the podcaz's are fucking nice but this latest one is just amazing :PP i just came back from dwntown and i listened to it on my bike it was fucking good so u better get it as well! perfect to get in to the mood xd

have fun


just no
you mean the flag?
(i had it before muz >:E)
i dunno , i'm not at home :D2a
this journal name should be #Loekino :o)
hi robbenuut =)
perhaps you should just give the link to the guys making those welcome to your weekend mixes on CAZ Radio

oh, nice

had no idea it existed
which one in the list is it?
oh shit mate!!! that mix is sooo annoying. you really like that commercial crap sown together into one boring melted summer-tosti?
it's a matter of taste to be honest, nothing to get all upset over
im not all upset. I just think you got no taste in music :P
i can react exactly the same saying the contrary:

oh shit mate!!! that mix is so good how can you not like all those great songs sown together into one great blend


oh shit mate!!! how can you possible like all that wannabe pro shit you prolly listen to

as said, it's a matter of taste ;}
I know and imo you got no taste in music :P
thats the same as claiming you have a better taste in music than an awful load of other people as there's lots of people who enjoy listening to this mix every friday

it's rubbish to say someone else has no taste in music -,- no taste isnt the same as a different taste u know
Perhaps I should capitalize the emphasis. You got no taste in music IMO :P

If it's my opinion that you have no taste in music, it is most definitely not the same as claiming I have a better taste in music than an awful load of other people.

It's quite clear that's it's all opinionated anyway. Taste is opinionated in it's very origin aswell as what I or you think of someone else's taste. And yes, you have different taste and in MY OPINION a very bad one, or in other words to express such a feeling -> "no taste".
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