

for the first time i am going to format my pc cuz its rlly lacking performance atm. But because i dont rlly know what i am doiing, i need some help :> aeq``

make sure that you save the important files (LIKE ET) on a different cd or smt
Backup all the important files.
Change boot sequence in your BIOS to CD/DVD
Insert any bootable OS CD/DVD
Follow instructions on the screen (Format & create partitions)
rofl, i need to go into that blue screen thingy? cant i just save my shite on another computer of the network we have? and then get it back after i installed windows again?
You can put the important files on CD/DVD or on another PC before you format.

With blue screen you mean BIOS i assume? You only change boot sequence to CDrom if you are sure everything is backupped somewhere. Then just change the sequence, insert a CD & that's it :)
Afterwards, just move or copy you backups back on your clean drives.
same question to u. what to do if i have lost my winxp cd ?
Download illegal one like everybody & try to get a working CD key. Maybe you got to disable wga if the key is on the blacklist
nothing to do then, buy new one.
if you're on a network (university?), see if your network administrator has a winxp cd
if you call bios "that blue screen thingy", format pc by yourself isnt really good idea :)
no u don't need to. you can just send your files to some of your other computers. if your hard disk is set as primary boot device you'll have to enter BIOS and check for an entry called "primary device" or something similar. this has to be changed to "CD" so that the windows xp ( or whatever "modern" OS you're using ) can start up from the disc.
bij mij staat dat default op cd/dvd ingesteld, en niets verandert :p
English plz... It'll slow down your boot time because he'll scan if there's a disc in your system or not ;)
banbanban! :D
well, as already said, backups are the only important thing. check your harddisk at least twice for files you might need after having formatted your pc ( this also includes bookmarks or whatever ).

when you're sure that there is nothing of any importance left on your harddisk just get your windows xp disc and let the computer boot from it. there'll be an option which allows you to format your disk.
what if i dont have the winxp cd but do have a product key ( which seems to be on the case of my compu?
well, in this case you have to get a windows XP disc first. just copy it from someone you know, you can use your key to activate it.
k gonna ask around now. brb
k, i now took everything i wanted in a new filethingy and i placed it on mates computer:

firefox bookmarks
q3 ofc

anything i am forgetting?
i can't tell you what are those important things ond your HD you'll need again after formating :D

there are no files which require to be there after formating to get your OS working again. BUT drivers might be a good thing, you need them for your mainboard and graphics card to name the most important ones. would be a good idea to download them right now :)

gotta learn for my maths exam now, i could help you afterwards ( ~ 3 o'clock pm )
yes your profile:

\desktop\ (to remind you what you had installed and what not)
\administrator's documents\

and mozzilla firefox profile/bookmarks (find them in Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox usually) -->> just saw that you have that sry!

and offcourse e-mails from outlook (find them in Administrator\Local Settings\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst)

dont forget about ur porns !!!
Ur just like me , when i first wanted to try it i thought liek wtf this is hard. Just put in windows cd and find it out.
dont forget to integrate sata drivers to your cd
Aeq nub. ;'(
insert win CD


press any key to boot from CD (if not, then go to BIOS, usually DEL button, and change boot sequence to 1.CD 2.HDD 3.whatever)

press any key

follow instructions


if you have your HDD splited in partitions for example you have C:/ and some random for example E:/ then you can copy all your files onto second partition, and when you will install windows it will only format C:/ one, so after format you can copy everything back
aeq.. really.. stop doing what you are doing cuz I will hear you whine on irc for the next couple days on how you fucked up your pc and lost lots of your data. if you really want to reinstall it, then let someone do it that knows what he's doing plz
whine, your wish is granted! somehow i cant see my drive when i want to install windows. my roommate said it had something to do with it being SATA or whatever. tried from both in windows and DOS.. :<
whenever you have a free night and wish it to be reinstalled, just drop by :P
Its right that default win xp wont recognise your sata drive, it dosent on my WD Raptor drive either, however you can use this version:

That version of XP is fantastic, I downloaded it and installed it just the other day, it recognises the drive and dosent need a key (until later, but in the comments you can see some keys which work)

That version has service pack 2 installed and lots of neat changes and upgrades. It took me a little less than an hour to format and reinstall windows using this, just DL and burn, its really easy!
the "blue thingy" made my day =)
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