crosshair fix
28 Jun 2007, 21:17
i just remembered reading(on crossfire) something about et crosshair not being actually on the right spot of the screen
and after using the search button i couldnt find nothing so if u guys remember plz point me to it
and after using the search button i couldnt find nothing so if u guys remember plz point me to it
you can see when you fire a panzer that he doesn't precisly arrive at your dott , but i dont thinkt that it really affects aim or something.
I think that the real crosshair that you mean is a bit more to the right,
you can see when you fire a panzer that he doesn't precisly arrive at your dott , but i dont thinkt that it really affects aim or something.
cg_crosshairX 1/0
cg_ crosshairY 1/0
for the position of the crosshair