Does anyone play this game?

imo it's pretty cool!

link to the game

Interested or not, please click this link

Thanks in advance :D

Nickje !
21 <- click that!! :p its my char!

Nickje mugged you dastardly and stole 10 of gold. What do you want to do? <-- u dirty bastard! :d
sandi mugged you dastardly and stole 7 of gold. What do you want to do?

you just started to play it? :D

i started to play it yesterday, and i already have 288 honor ;)
i started it 3 days ago, 3xp to lvl 7! ;p Honor:1.593 = )))
huh? when i search for player sandi it sais level 1 & 0 honor :D
aah, i mean the sandi from server 1 :D since i'm playing on server 1 ;)
i thought so too =)
Can't we make a guid or smth? :)
or only possible if you play on the same server?
i think we cant cos were in other servers :r
to bad :( i rly wanna join a guid :D (i sound like a 11 year old boy :DDDDD )

that means I also can't buy stuff from you on the market, pretty bad, cause otherwise we could sell things for 1 money or smth :p
any tips to grow as asap?

your rank at the Arena ladder? Mine is only 1.764 :(

And do you know if you get more points if you fight against more skilled persons? Cause i only fight against people from level 1&2 ;D
skill, strenght and agility are the best imo, and dunno why my rank is so low but its 8899, i have 5-10dmg, 229armor, 22 stregh, 25 skill, 21 agility, 15 constitution, 19 charism = )
Battles: 128
Wins: 125
Defeats: 3
Draws: 0
Captured gold during battles: 1.885 Gold
Lost gold during battles 40 Gold
Issued hit points 4.946
Taken hit points 520
Worth of equipment: 1.509 Gold
Worth of backpack: 403 Gold
Honor: 1.615
People mugged (via link): 5

and im going to sleep now.
Level 4
Experience 17.14 %
Strength 13
Skill 14
Agility 13
Constitution 12
Charism 12
Armour 154
Damage 4 - 7

Battles: 33
Wins: 29
Defeats: 4
Draws: 0
Captured gold during battles: 202
Lost gold during battles 52
Issued hit points 889
Taken hit points 305
possessions: Worth of equipment: 601
Worth of backpack: 44
Honor: 295
People mugged (via link): 19

EDIT1: goodnight
wow, what a lame game
Play it :DD/d:/D:/DD/::D/D:/D/D:d:D:d:d
lemme try it :P
what server are you playing it on?

use my shedule: in the day normal stuff & ET, night and other free time this game :p

when you go to bed, just work as a stable boy for 8 hours or smth and you're a rich boy everymorning :D
go to sleep suckas
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