wireless mice suck

my razer copperhead just broke and I've been forced to use my old logitech mx1000 so kindly given to me by Pedro ;D as an update to my old MX700 and fuck me, wireless mice are like bricks

it's so fucking slow to move compared to the copperhead :/

now I'm gonna have to buy a deathadder

oh wells :(
I'm using my DeathAdder since 9 days and it feels great.
Baught IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 yesterday \o/
thats a good mouse to icemat
I'm using a dell ballmouse right now because my diamondback broke yesterday.. It isn't even that bad when surfing around or playing a game in which you don't have to aim..
Why does everybody break his mouse?
I was opening it up to clean it and the red wire from the usb cable broke off from the adapter :X

I can't find any solder so I thought fuck it I'll just put it in the draw with all the other crap
Why would you even clean it? I never cleaned any mouse.
the top part of the buttons was bubbling as it's plastic with a weird rubber thin lining, and the top part wasn't tearing off but there were air bubbles forming in between the layers, so I wanted to remove that top layer and just have the plastic also I was gonna take out the blue neon band that glows at night when I try and get to sleep :X
yeah, the blue neon is teh suck. I really hurts my eyes :/
nothing wrong with a deathadder! See it as a good thing!
razer copperhead.
razer krait!
Yeah Krait rocks.
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used a £2 off voucher too :X + free delivery ;DD
I've got a G7.. -> sucks, at first it was ok but it starts to annoy me fucking much. I'm considering to buy a new mouse + mousemat.
mx 518
why pay so much money for a fuckin mouse :/
I mean, I don't think there will be alot of difference between my mouse (15 euro's) and a razer deathadder, or whatever, apart from the price
Amount of Dpi's
and what does dpi matter? most people use 400/800 dpi anyway. besides my mouse can be set to 1600 dpi. what i'm pointing out is that it's a waste of money and instead of buying a mouse like that you could go out and get wasted, which, in my opinion, is a better thing

btw hoi Insecure
go read the esreality.com mouse benchmark

it's like saying your 1ghz transmeta cpu is the same as a 2.8Ghz athlon FX
it's not. it's wondering whether or not you should spend so much money on a mouse. nothing personal against you, cause many people buy those mice, but I'd definitely consider buying a cheap mouse and save some money for other stuff
I see where you are coming from as I was turned off this mouse when it first came out as well as some others as I'm not willing to spend £60+ but I have a bit of money saved up anyway and I'm on a 2 month holiday now my exams are over so should be gaming quite a bit, and so I go with the notion you get what you pay for.

put a lot in and you get a lot out
in that case have fun with your new mouse :)
G5 - :D!
G5 = laser = wrong
CH = laser = wrong

DB = optical = bestest
DA = optical = bestest
WMO = optical = bestest
intelli 3.0 = optical = bestest
mx500-518 = optical = bestest
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