problem, help me plz...!

my friend sven has a problem, read plz and help him:

i had this pc just a single core just enough for playing ET 76 frames all the time no problem played 2 years with that comp. But on a day there where some guys in my street fixing the internet or something so everything was down internet TV just everything ... k so next day i start my comp. Start playing ET everything looks fine just same fps never drops but it looks like i cant hit ANYTHING anymore it called bullet DELAY it looks like you shoot you have 700 ping its terrible to play with i had a great skill and its all runeddddd.... so i get a NEW comp a Dual core 5600 video card 8800GT one of the latest. videocards.... i start playing ET i still have THE SAME FUCKING terrible problem it still looks like i have 700 ping somethimes it go's a little bit bether and i shoot 2-3 HS but most of the time it just looks like other people are warping like hell and they all have no head but the most of the guys there have 100maxpackets and 25000 RATE so the problem is with me isnt it ? So i ask you this .... Can it be my internet provider? and when i take ADSL because atm i have telenet so when i swich to ADSL will it change my internet provider and is there a chance this terrible bullet delay will be fixed ?:(

grtz, Sven
My name is Sven 2;)

but i think it is the cable who get fixed or smth in the street. imo you call helpdesk and say that your internet is fucked up after they where fucking with the cable +P
Have Same probs
do u already tried another game? just to check if theres the same prob?
no, its easier to buy a new pc first^^
Sven: yeh i buy'd a new pc already and yes i try'd other game's to shooting game's its not playable :/
kk :)
but anyway, I would kick some internet service providers ass always before searchin for the prob by my self since u never changed ur running system!
Sven: how can i kick them ? :)
welcome to jew land ;o
i got a similar problem sometimes. the mHz of my RAM changes. i have to check in ET the right mhz o_O
there is a massive difference at the values imo
try it, report it ;)
Sven: i have 1GB normaly 2GB but the second ram stick wont work on my system[it works but after 10 minutes my whole system just crashes] very werid but ok with 1GB it works fine but what mhz should i take then ? because of the 1GB
i can't suggest you a value, it depend on the timings of your motherboard and so on.
set a value and check it in et. u will easily feel the difference imo
1GB is enough for ET so it doesn't matter if you got 2 or 1 gb
i hope this is the solution :/
Sven: euhm mhz ? you say you change it in game ? hmm and mhz i cant find it anywhere in my config :d i can change hunkmegs is it that what you mean ? sorry for spam mate
yo np
i mean the mhz of you RAM, change it in bios if this is possible. than check it in et ;)
hunkmegs at 64 or more imo
zonemegs at 32
soundmegs at 32
Sven: add me plz and help me [email protected]
ok, you don't know what bios is? so just forget it. change nothing in bios ;)
Sven: i know what bios is but just dont now how to change mhz there soz
ye it depends on the motherboard-manufacturer
Can it be my internet provider?
No kidding, captain obvious

image: Captainobvious1
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