
Tomorrow me + rocky + raptor + rdcl are in Turkey Marmaris ..
We go out of the rain into the sunshine :D.

BB guys I'll miss you for 8 days

image: marmaris_2

image: marmaris
is aphesia 2 fat for teh plane?

ps. have fun, and gl with the ladies :D
nice :D i went there
me goes to egypt i guess, to sharm El Sheikh
i was there, fucking nice :)
2 weeks after, bombs exploded over there :o
could you tell me where exactly (which hotel)
dont touch british girls :o)
got my own here;)
2nd pic = fake :)
i've been in marmaris years ago and i can assure u that there is no coast like this : )
go to club areena, search for a guy with a yellow shirt with the name of 'cengiz' and you will have fun...
nice place, amusement guaranteed :>
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