flags (german)

An Admin said to , they wouldn't add flags anymore.
But they are able to add new Icons (like this image: etqw)


I want equitableness 4 everybody!!!


there are flags for:

Baden-Württemberg Baden-Württemberg
Nordrhein-Westfalen Nordrhein-Westfalen
Sachsen Sachsen

..and a lot of others

but wh00t is with the flags, which aren't available?! (bavaria, berlin, etc.)

I want that you'll make it right or none!!

For every fcking country (or even for clans) are flags available, but not for all Federal States.

Or are the Admins discriminating countries they don't like? :P

So add the missing flags, please!!
care bout your bundeslander
every day i take my carebroom and my careblade and i care our road
care bout your land
agree with fuZed !
image: flagge_bb

this for Brandenburg plssss
Netherlands invurturred plies
could someone make ger/cro for me???

thx boiiiiiii
agree with fuZed, hamburg is discriminated too :(
want franken flag :'(
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