Oh shit !!!

Pretty drunk last night not been like it for a while. I do some stupid things when i am drunk but this one beats them all by far. I been seeing a girl for less than 6 months and last night i thought it would be a good idea too ask her too marry me.

lol she said yes but now i have woke up this morning i kinda regret it. Need some help and idea's on how too get out of this mess lol
gratz2your mum :D
I got a way better idea, just marry her if you rly love her <3

otherwise just fuck her untill your cock is bleeding
lol xD i would prefere the second option
Just tell her you was drunk and wouldn't say such stupid thing if you was sober :D

Gutting for you dude :X
Listen to:
Cro Mags - We Gotta Know or
Cro Mags - Hard Times
Just pretend that you were so drunk you can't even remember asking her.
this might be the best option tbh
HAHAHAAHHAHAAH omg i don't want to be in your shoes :D
Just tell her you were under the bad influence of alcohol and she will understand.. or tell her you would like to marry her but for the moment it's not the case :> GL

rofl :DDDD
haha, what a position youre in...
i would just deny the whole thing and pretend being drunk erased your memory of asking her!
just say you will plan the wedding in 2 years :)

by then you could marry her or by then you break up
ignore her !!
lol stiffler.... gl with tellin her.
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