I am fucked

Its fucking vacation for everybody else but i have to learn for being allowed to do medical studies and i havent started yet so now i have to like work 24/7 wich is not nice and i dont understand shit. So I whine!

Now its your turn to whine, hf and hurt me deep inside!
if you think on the right side, you will be rich rach after vacation and you will have enought $ to buy girls if your fucking ugly
DIKKENNN!!! cva? (dutch)
jaja :D
zet (dutch) derna, bannen ze me niet :D
heb wel herexamen duits :x
nah, kheb geen zin om men titel aan te passen, bannen ze me maar rofl, kzou ier beter toch niet zijn.
:D sweet
ga maar gaan streven jij :d
btw, dacht dat je voor die herkansing in augustus ging?
alsmen ouders dat willen betalen...+ alsek nog geneeskunde wil doen na dit kutexamen
After i passed this exam i still have to learn 8 years to become a doctor.
perhaps that studies are not the right thing for u when you dont find the motivation to even start it...
i mean i can understand that deep inside a huge amount of material to learn there are always days where i simply cant learn anymore but first of all i would be keen on something new, you understand?
I didnt have the time yet, all my friend who do it too just started it, its no problem you just have to learn a lot, but with the hot weather and everybody outside you got to understand this is not easy.
't is hier totaal nie warm eh :D
het regent hier alle dagen :P
zeikerd :D
op elk moment datje leert wil je zoveel liever buiten zitten+ ik heb in geen 2dagen buitenlucht gezien, dus weet ik veel hoe het zit.
Hou je sterk, en denk maar aan de centjes voor later ..
Niet opgeven! Het lukt je vast wel :)
ye you are right...
but keep always in mind that what you do now or the following 4 years can have an awesome effect on your further life =)
perhaps if you imagine that, it is easier for u to concentrate and just sit down and learn a little bit.

make yourself a learnpensum. tell urself: now i m gonna learn for 2 hours and after that i m gonna meet with my friends...
I have learned 4 h today and its 12.00 now, so i think i deserve 1 h pause:)
nice =)
carry on :>
imo, stop posting and study! its your future, you need to support your upcomming children with lots 'a moneah, and if you succeed youll be able to help the ppl how are hurt by thingies!
i believe in you, go for it!
but you are dutch, and all dutch doctors suck, because they make a lot of money for being stupid and never working.
I am belgian, we have to work hard here and earn less:(
But well, thanks for the support.
but, dutch ppl are smarter than belgian, thats why we money for sitting on our arses.
You have just proved the opposite once again.

I have pity with you.
"I have pity with you."
You have just proved the opposite once again. - INDEED-
:) Yeh i know :)
btw: good luck with your medschool
poor you my love <3 :p
ik eet lekker kaas jij niet
Ik drink lekker thee, jij niet!
noh :<
ik heb lekker nog een stuk worst
Ik drink lekker cola, jij niet!
venster spammor, i told you 100 times you had to study on xfire!
poor nils 8< i dont want to study even,but i have to do it too :(
so just learn,but do pauses between the hours of learning
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