hb bleerfg mm?nnnnnnnnn xzot

happyu birthdays to United Kingdom ROO. yes he is a arsenal fan, i'll give you that. but he shares the foonyroo tradition and they lost henry anyway1

in other news my head hurts like nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnot good fuckin nightbus lastnight it was either that or wait til 5am for the warehouse to close, i was like I NEED SLEEP and i did as well. so this bus it drops me in the next town over a mile away, you can imagine the sky is blue at 5am now but the kebab shop capital o f the world has nothing open :&
tihs would never happen in bristol ohho no boyo:-/

still mega highbots to roo . mEGA . and ffs my hotdog supply is dried up not gone but quite literally as in the juices ran out of the packet and now they are stiff but still floppy if u see what i mean? pfffzzzzzzztbad times

theres nothing for the kids to do these days, theres nothing for the kids to do BUT I SAY theres plenty of the kids to do these days, theres somuch for the kids to do

vinyl you secxy muncher
Good choice, Happy Birthday

*EDIT* : lol so's your face!
are you doing the mickey
i wish i could understand you, but i dont:<
ban for language rules topic plz ;>
Learn English please.
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