all this banning makes me sad :<

image: emo

mach3 from wilkinson?
gillette fusion!!!

fuck, es ist nahezu unmöglich sich mit 5 klingen zu schneiden. naja ich sollts vllt nochmal mit der 1 klinge zum präzisem trimmen versuchen \o/
emo owns
part of cheating is living with the consequences of getting caught - live with it
diee !!! xp
you should try this1, works better imo.
image: istockphoto_71062_big_knife
no, im emo.

i dont rly wanna hurt myself, i just want attention!!!!!!!!!!!
ah try this1 then, it hurts less i guess:
image: KN27-hand-640
image: simg.php?fname=csp3314

you'll get attention. i promise.
part of cheating is living with the consequences of getting caught - live with it
michel bored again xD
part of cheating is that it doesn't even matter if you really cheated - live with it
hi underscoreSHY
omg emo are bad for this world :~<

btw i never heard about an emo cut himself :~<
hast den chinesischen garten gefunden shy?

EDIT: did u find the chinese garden?
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