Smoke free HELL YES

So, today is a good morning, no one can smoke in public places in the uk and now I don't have to get cancer from second hand smokers.

What you lung will look like if you smoke

image: smokerslungmw9


I think anyone who smokes is a prat, have a nice day.
<< smoker =/
Just let smokers smoke, it's their choise
And let everyone breath there second hand smoke? Okey, at least now you can have a pint in the local and not come back smelling like a
Go and have a pint and not come back smelling like a smoker?

Sorry but fuck you. You attack smokers yet you drink? You have any idea how much damage alcohol does to people?

Seriously why just attack smokers? We should ban alcohol as well in my opinion! Whats good for the goose is good for the fucking gander as they say.

Fucking bunch of whiney, hypocritical, nosey cunt faced motherfuckers. Fuck you.

What your liver will look like if you drink

Not for the faint hearted!

I think anyone who drinks and attacks smokers is a prat, have a nice day.
i agree with you!
my name sux to reply at this journal, though i cannot resist
it does indeed :D
Been waiting for this for a long time :)
btw, its not good to throw your lungs in the fire :<
its more like throwing fire into the lungs :<
'n to make things clear n stuff, i dont smoke :)
if u throw your lungs in the fire, they become black
agree .. never smoked, and will never smoke :>
yes like you, you sexy dog !
Smoking ciggs sucks anyways :O) weed > all
We need an anti alcoholic journal now ..... I hate to smell drunekn ppl
Well second-hand smoking isn't 'more deadly' than "first-hand" smoking. I guess exhaust fumes and shit like that is more damaging. :P

Either way I still think it is a good idea to make public places smokefree, especially bars and shit like that because if you don't smoke yourself your clothes will get drenched in the smell. :(
let's gas all smokers :>
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