How are they related?

I have been playing quite alot of ET:QW the last days, and cause of that a friend of me told me that I abandoned the Q3 engine.
I told him that its not true.
I didnt abandon her, im just messing around with her younger sister.
Then he told me that the Q3 engine isnt the Doom3 engines sister cause they are not from the same game.
So Iam thinking, are they cousins then?
Or maybe they are sisters after all, since they have the same father, ID software.

So now im asking you here on crossfire, are they sisters or cousins, and who would you rather have sex with?

That last qustion is a hard one, the Doom3 engine is younger and look better, but the Q3 engine have more experience...
What do you think?
you are gay
doom3 engine is the big brother of q3 engine
i'm hetero.
How can the Doom3 engine be bigbrother to Q3?
Q3 is older, and there is NO WAY that the Doom3 engine is a boy, cause if it is...... I feel sick now :(
well it depends on the point of view :/
Go outside please.
it's not nerdish to think of having sex with something impossible.
for example you can't have sex with angelina jolie but you once thought of if
It is possible you just have to work to reach it :P
Yes, it is indeed possible to reach, unless you're FlyingDJ ;)
doom3 is the clone of q3 with genes from jessica alba
deine mudder!
Jag är ett Avalanche!
dont think you can compare d3 to q3 engine. d3 is like a porsche compared to a "trabbi" (old ddr car)
n1 comparison :D
No, and im not dreaming about it either
ava is to much no life, game engines are more like his taste
Atleast someone gets me :)
The D3 engine uses a shit load of resources to do the same job as Q3 engine - in more stylish graphics tho... but lets be honest... who gives a crap about graphics when every body tweak their config anyway ?
We are actually more laughing about ava's ridiculous fantasy's :x
they are father (q3) and son (q4/doom4/etqw). so basically you seem to be a father & son lovin' gay. errr... yes, that's about right. i think. hf!
You couldnt be more wrong about the Q3 engine being a guy.
The link im going to give you now shows how ET would have looked like if she was human
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