
Ok so lately there have been quite some good fragmovies, and quite some good fragmovie concepts.

We have now seen clan fragmovies, 1 person fragmovies, fragmovies that features 2 players forming a 'duo' like Shewie and ganon, movies that feature some of the top players of the community's(zaigon, Vitality, bloodshed 1.3) we've seen trick-movies and teamwork trick-movies.

Now I think it's time to try out something new, a multi-game fragmovie.

A fragmovie that features some of the best frags of 2007 from all of the populair games, or all of the games people vote for.

I'm just thinking out loud here but this would be something I would certainly download.

I'd do it myself but I'm no 1337 moviemaker.

Tho this idea does come with some complications, the moviemaker should have ALL of the populair games.

I'm the kind of player that wan't to see insane aim and reflexes and such, I'm not the kinda person that watches a fragmovie to see some player revive like 5 people in a row.

This is a list of games I'd want to see frags of, and some names with people who'm frags I'd want to see:

- ET
- RtCW
- Q3
- Q4
- CoD2
- CS

What do you guys think of this? would it be a good idea or not?
Is there any moviemaker willing to try this out? maybe just start with a small clip?
I allready thought of a name, something like crossfire fragmovie, a fragmovie in the name of crossfire, would be good publicity?
eeK! 2 is nice,frags from different games + real life ownage shit
Someone did a ET/CPMA movie a while back, some dutch guy I think.

Would be a very large project, and a nightmare for whoever has to encode it, but I doubt crossfire is the right place to start it.
euh no thanx!!
oeh one movie with wsw/et/cod2/css in it sounds nice :D
I don't think this is a very good idea..
I think people mostly look fragmovies of games they like or play, so you'd have to edit it very nice to make it watchable.
true, but still a collection of the best frags from the best players of 2007 from all of the populair games would be cool:D

I don't play CoD2 but there are some fragmovies with insane frags and I enjoy watching them

I thought a bit about it, imo there are two opportunities, showing the games after each other with frags like quaky made them in his movies: lot's of them short.
Or mix them all together, however this affords much more work, I think it's also important that the layout looks the same, configs shouldn't differ very much and there should be smart made transitions.

... well it sounds possible
not good idea, who wants to see frags of some guys you don't even know in some game u don't play.

but if u need some frags for ur et section /msg koto
this random porto boyos thingie touched you, didnt it?
as long as the frags are good
plz that was exactly my idea and i wanted to start it that summer...

somehow i m unlucky with my ideas, hannes also has all the same ideas as i me
if you want to make it go4 it, I'm not gonna do it just came up with the idea:D
i have that idea for some months already but that week i found a great job for august and september, so i will need imo a year for it, but i am still interested
hows it going so far?:)
well atm i am still at work for another 6 weeks but after that i wanna start =)
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