"positive" accel

so when i'm playing games which are using the quake3 engine (ET, Q3) i get mouseaccel even though i have cl_mouseaccel 0

i don't have any accel while playing wsw

any help would be appreciated
setpoint accel?
i don't have the drivers installed either
using in_mouse -1 in q3? (wsw has direct input if i'm not mistaken?)
if yes, do you use accelfix.exe?
yes I use -1 and yes i use accelfix.exe :)
If wsw really has direct input and you use it, then I guess it's some windows setting or maybe the accelfix not applied properly.
Try using in_mouse 1 in q3 and see if accel still occurs.
nope, the accel is still there :(
i downloaded an accelfix.exe file and the accel got removed, i was pretty sure that i played without accel but it must have came back somehow, thanks for you help though :>
np. maybe you installed a windows update which overwrote the patched system file.
ohh lala
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