CFG problem.

Hello! Couple days ago i made myself an own cfg but whenever i click on "Favorite servers" they don't wanna show as long as those aren't loaded in "Internet servers".Does anyone know whats the problem, and if he/she does please help me.
Beforehand Thanks!
Use the Half Life Server Watch
Ok Thank you guys , one more question i saw people writing 18cm-180°degree uhm what does that mean? Does it mean that they need to move the mouse 18cm from left-right to turn 180° in game? And if it does, how do they know that its exactly 18cm, they have a program for that or just a scale?
Just a scale, and yes it means they need 18 cm for an 180 turn
get XFire or ASEye :x
imo stop playing on publics
Ok thanks all, you helped allot
ASE <3 :)
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