need cfg for uber shitty PC

so, as the title says, i need cfg made for shitty computer.

contact : mAna` @ #crossfire or here.

thx in advance.

Check out ins' profile, that's a low-end config he has there.
r mode 4
r picmip 3
r simplemipmaps 0
r colorbits 16
r texturebits 16
r depthbits 16
cg drawgun 0
r subdivisions 999
r lodbias 2
r texturemode gl_nearest_mipmap_linear
r depthbits 16

disallowed @ cb cfg
r_mode 3
r_texturebits 16
r_colorbits 16
r_picmip 3
r_lodbias 2
r_roundimagesdown 5
com_maxfps 76
r_displayrefresh 75
cg_fov 90
cg_drawgun 0
r_dynamiclight 0
r_dlightbacks 0
r_finish 1
r_flares 0
r_fastsky 1
mine is good aswell i stole it from loekino
loekino cfg :XD
ask shitty peoples for shitty cfg's
i almost got 40 fps with it with my old duron :D
perfo's config
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