Going to london next week

Ok so, next week 11 - 12 I go to United Kingdom London with my parents. They want me to go to some classic concerts but if I whine enough there's a good chance I don't have to attend it (and else I am just gonna sleep).
So now my question, anything to do for me as sixteenager in London? Or is everything Poland restricted to 18+ ? I heard they got nice clubs there.
#care ---> ban
visit Ahm3d ;p
afaik you have to be 18+ for most pubs and clubs :O
Not in belgium, if you know the right evenings
dont really get your reply .. you asked
QuoteSo now my question, anything to do for me as sixteenager in London? Or is everything restricted to 18+ ? I heard they got nice clubs there.
and i just said that you have to be 18+ for most stuff, why do you reply with your belgium shizzle ?
its YOU that started talking about london
he doesn't specify the location, whatever retarded discussion. I know now what you mean.
"he doesn't specify the location" - you did it in your question :>

DUH you asked about london... pretty f***ing stupid to think i would reply about the restrictions in Zimbabwe or smth :/
ya i am 16 and then didn't want to give me a beer

how sad is that?
I was there 1 week ago and it was fking nice

10/10 imo

only UNDERground suck
pls, go jump some more bitch:)
no wayz, rly
:-) k i believe you. But yes, go watch Justine Henin win Wimbledon!
you can also watch porn in your room while parents gone out
but that's my own experience
London is full of miserable people! Stay well clear.
watch out there r a lot ofstrange ppl out there
watch out from terrorists :)
Its all 18+ and in the center of town they will ID you most likely!
you're going to find it almost impossible to get served especially if you're on your own. clubs won't allow you either.
if you look passable for 18 there are some places that wont ID you first or even 2nd rounds, but most will eventually.
Im 16 and I rarely get asked for ID :D
stay away from parkin or burning cars plx.
If i can go with you, ill get you in ANY club ==))
Big Ben ;P
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