Sheep is going to drown

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:o, we will miss u sheep
sheep can obsord water?
not funny imo, sheep gL.
sunny in sheffield atm
Water can destroy anything in time, gl sheepy :<
Sheepiee I belive in your swimming skills^^
gl sheepster
You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water in front sandbag, it becomes the sandbag. Now water can crash, drip, water my friend.
bruce lee :P
god hates you!
kiinnosti ku hiekanjyvää saharassa
under my umbrella?
stopped raining now, but we bagged the garage which got fucked last time and the front door (no need for back cos its up 3 or 4 steps) even though its stopped now, its said its gonna start again later tonight and carry on throughout the week, lovely!
no more ET for u mister!
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