how does ET:QW suck?

I haven't tried Quake Wars yet, because I currently don't have a computer that can run it; but most of the comments from people who have tried the beta have merely stated that it suck, but never say exactly why.

Is it too slow-moving? Too much Battlefield with the vehicles and all? Imbalanced?

What the hell is wrong with ET:QW?
everything. Tho slow movement isnt the case.
low fps
But thats cause your PC sucks, not cause the game is bad
i havent tryed this game either
From what I've played it actually seems to play pretty well in 6v6, if you have enough FPS to play (which I do \o/).
I love it.

I think that the only people talking about it (here on crossfire) are those who despise it.
for a public game its okay
* for a public game of riding vehicles only its ok. With current hitscan system using infantry and smg is just ridiculous. ATM its ok just for using explosives.
plz its a beta !1
a sucky one!1
its just a bit slow, but i guess if u gonna know the map and the classes its nice to play. i would like to play it more, but as soon as there r more than 10 players, it began to lag for me.
Its great, they made the classes much more usefull, however for competetive play it still needs to be changed.. Some things:

- Coverts can built a radar which shows all the enemy locations, np on public but they should disable this in clanwars for tactical reasons.
- Titan Tank > *
- Grenade / plasma launcher is an XP upgrade noess (I think in a clanwar you should just have maxed out XP)
i want to paly paly it too... is there any link to get beta? (ofc with key)
based on just about everything I've seen and heard about this game since it was announced indicates that it best suited for public play -- "just for fun", in other words -- even if the developers want it to be a competitive game. I get the impression that Splashdamage doesn't completely understand that sort of "high-skilled" gaming -- just think of ET without ETPro.

all the borrowed elements from most first-person shooters that has been popular the last few years gives me the impression that QW was "designed by committee", as they say.

the follow-up to RTCW -- which has xbox 360 as its primary platform, remember-- will probably be the same thing.

then again, I haven't played QW yet so what the hell do I know. :)
it's just shit!!

i played it during 5 hours to be sure it is really shit and i deleted it immediatly
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