ET:QW 'Beta 2'

According to the developers there will be a 'Beta 2' of ET:QW. In 'Beta 2' a new map (link) will replace Sewer. People, who have a key for the beta, will of course be able to play 'Beta 2' aswell.

Other Questions and Answers from #etqwbeta:
<@etqw> ar asked: Can somebody set up some private servers for clan people to play, so that us pubby players dont keep getting kicked off?
<@etqw> adman answers: We're currently looking at this issue. We're realize that scrims are important to clans and we'll try and find a way to make this happen.

<@etqw> Killgarr asked: are the vehicle movements set? The GDF tank seems to be way to fast and the Cyclopse seems to be way too slow.
<@etqw> Wils|work answers: Vehicles are being tweaked at the moment

Locki-SD: To give you a sense of how much performance has improved, I've been playing Valley today against bots on a 7-series NVIDIA in 1600 x 900 with all graphics settings maxed out. It looked amazing and I got really good frame-rates.

hell yeah \o/
Quotereally good frame-rates.

probably translates to "between 30 and 60fps!"
It's good for everything maxed out on 1600x900

but anyway I think it's more CPU dependant than anything.
i get 100+ on 1024*768!
fileplanet ! more $$
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