good night folks

I'm going to sleep now after some hard work :P
I used the night to improve my CGI skills. Don't be to harsh on me, I'm still a beginner:

image: bobot2

image: bobots
why do you join #bed so late? u got to learn for exams, isn't it?!
I quit my computer science studies and got a lot of time lately :P
k so gl2u in rl
Nice rendering skills, certanly for a beginner :O
And about the models, they need some work, but the basics certanly are there! The surface-subdivision is rather bad, but that's just a matter of practise... LOTS of practise ( trust me, I know :'< ).
And for the texturing, try using uvw-maps, those give a near-perfect result (the finishing touches can be done with bump-, and normal mapping.

Good night man, nice job ;)
They look pretty good, but in detail there's still some errors, but as this is your first, completely understandable ;-)
Nice =)
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