pc says: GRRR

my pc makes an awefull sound atm of writing this, in the upperback there is a piece called Component Pro and it makes a very loud horrible sound! many wires go in there in that box and it says dont open or gefahrenzone! :\ when i try to stick in it it gets me a spark so :(:(:(

the thick black connector goes in it at the top of the back also and it says on etiket: 300w (1200w max) 220-240V
plz react fast :< sound is awefulllllll
what u mean?
netzteil = PSU = power supply unit
idd, imo the fan(s) of the PSU dont work anymore
think it's that yes :< sounds like a fan thats broken or sometin u think they can replace that easily in store cuz i got gaurantee or it fucks my whole pc up?
if ur PSU has still warranty, bring it back and get a new one...

u could replace the fan by urself, no danger for the rest of ur system. but if u open only one screw of ur PSU ur warranty will be gone...
yeah i won;t open anything because it's sealed but the shop 'alternate' (pronounce in german :D) is very good so when i go there next thursday they replace it - i havent got a car at my availability any sooner.
oh, alternate :)
then go there to replace it, np
de voeding dus.. :)
I guess you mean your powersupply?
I think it is mate cuz all the numbers on the side and the place where all important stuff goes in
tip: shut down your pc and watch it later :::::D
it's your psu (power supply unit).
it's broken for sure, just buy a new one, or all your hardware will be fucked up (that will happen during the coming weeks).
omg :\ yes i will mate
i quit the pc now :< dont wanna molestrate it. tnx bb
must be psu cooler
gg you need new psu
yeah i turned pc off a while and restarted it but now the sound is gone, im going to store anyway next thursday for replacement of the voeding/supply

tnx all
i heard someone got killed in a case like this, gl man we pray for your life.
he should tell his crossfire acc + pw to some1 close so the friend could come and post rip journal later (j/k)
there is not much hope left, but we should hang on to the little hope we have left. believe we must
:( nevahh my pc is the son i myself could never given birth to lal
but i also got two monitors connected to one pc because it comes in handy with chat and teamspeak and i have that since a short while, now i got it turned off and my pc acts quiet normal xD
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