very sad story...

I played telenet before few min and there was a guy called cheatora...
cheatora cheated :D

i talk with him in privet msg and i ask him from where he got his bot (i wanted to send it to even balance fo sho) and he said from where :~>
and after he got pb_kicked he entered again and start kick all the ppl who pb_kicked him :~>
lucky i didnt pb_kicked him :D
i ask him who is he and he said im the admin :~<
i ask him why u use cheats if u are the admin ;o
and he told me...he is died :~<<<<
im a very sad panda now :~<<<<<<<<<<<
no prob for me cuz its allmost dinner :D
what was ur nick? me was there too and me didnt get kicked
*edit: the mystic fake?!
bad reply skillz :~<
mystic :XD broken mouse :~<
its about time my 20 nis white microsoft mouse will be broken :~<
edit: i guss my jew ping busted me :D
nah but i remember u said at server that u talked with him and now u just written same again. so easily to fund out who u have been.. ;)
cybergames on play u will
what with this master yuda thing :~<
bored bit dunno :<
isnt semtex=explosive? :~<
i bet im the first who knew that :~>
skilled >:(
thats the jew bonus, knowing about bombs aso
i think its worth a journal at least
being a cheat, now that is new
would be nice idd
my bf dosent love me L<
boy friend :~<
but u are a male ;ooo
it was the "phantom"
rofl :D
nice keep it coming
I got pb_kicked as well, an innocent player like me gets kicked, n1. People should stop thinking they can kick those bastards that way ...
maybe he made mistake and it should of been tard?
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