Frag_ON_movie by EVA

this is probably my last movie so i would like to thank personaly to max and satz and pavelol
for the help in moviemaking and teaching me everything
like i wrote in the movie i go to the army in 23.7.2007 so <3 u all
replicant family \ revolt family \ #rtcw.isr guys
sorry fragon for being so lazy :P
i didnt make this .mp4 cuz i dont have enough gigabytes at my computer for doing the quality that
i want to do and i realy dont care about all the comments with "settings not good" cuz i dont care i have few days till army and i tried to do smth nice for fragon in short time
and sorry for all the players who asked me for movie and i said no..and speicely zeropoint guys
i didnt have time ot make movie or to spend much hours on movies so thats why i decline all the offers
and fragon is the only one that i accept to do his movie cuz he good friend of mine

cointozz..u still fag <3

love you all
walking in the sun !
i tought you're walking in the water
on the water, retard
sry jeasus, dont kill me
dont reply me anymore
can I reply? ;[
couldnt u have posted this in the movie section? :o
i ready dont know nothing on xfire so dont blame me this is one of the few times that i even enter this site sorry
overall very nice movie! especially music, frags and editing

and gl in army :)
lookin nice :D
<3 eli
dl'ing & expecting some nice editing
O M G it's bugged

i think you had a bug when you encode it ...
i can't read it maybe a bug just for me during DL'ing or dunno
Config was nice, the rest.. kinda boring. Hardly managed to watch it through.
you make me sad eva :(

i will miss you man
nice movie, gj
I liked it :o, very nice syncs and quality / config are good.
nice movie <3
syncing : 8.5/10
music : 5/10
config : 7/10
quality : 7.5/10

well done
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